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  1. 或是在找挠后背之类的就是在电影院里常坐的事�

    Or scratch their behinds , or whatever is it known when in the movie theater .

  2. 我可受不了坐着无事可做。

    I can 't stand sitting and doing nothing .

  3. 如果你要在有限的时间里坐更动的事,你就要学会怎样安排你的时间。

    If you want to do more things in finite time , you should learn how to arrange your time .

  4. 她抱怨说,三个孩子整天围着她转来转去,她简直没法坐下来干点事。

    She complained that with three kids running around her every day , she couldn 't possibly sit down and do something .

  5. 坐电车去的事被定下来了。

    It has been decided that we go by train .

  6. 当我们寻求神的引导时,并不表示我们就只管坐著,什麽事也不去做。

    When looking to God for guidance , don 't sit round doing nothing .

  7. 现在坐飞机是平常事。

    Air travel is a commonplace nowadays .

  8. 静静地坐着,什么事都不做,当春天来临,草木就自己生长。

    Sit silently , do nothing , the spring comes and the grass grows by itself .

  9. 对于一些平常坐着完成的事,例如看电视和在电脑面前,学一些在这种时候可以锻炼的方法。

    Learn ways to exercise even when doing normal sit-down activities such as watching television and computer .

  10. 我一直对我看见的那些孩子保持同情和怜悯,在学校一个人孤零零走在路上的孩子,那些坐在教室最后面且被别人嘲笑和捉弄的孩子。但我从来没有坐过类似的事。

    I have always felt sympathy and compassion for the kids I see at school walking all alone , for the ones that sit in the back of the room while everyone snickers and makes fun of them . But I never did anything about it .