
zuò zhèn
  • assume personal command;personally attend to garrison duty;(of a commander) personally attend to garrison duty
坐镇 [zuò zhèn]
  • [(of a commander) personally attend to garrison duty; assume personal command] 驻于一地,亲临督促工作

  • 坐镇边关

坐镇[zuò zhèn]
  1. 有一个工党的候选人坐镇,他们大获全胜。

    With a Labour candidate in place they won by a mile

  2. 弗朗西斯·劳伦斯当时已经执导过威尔·史密斯(WillSmith)坐镇的后末日巨作《我是传奇》(IAmLegend),他说,当雅克布逊女士同他接触时,他一开始非常犹豫。

    Mr. Lawrence , who had already established his post-apocalyptic directing credentials in the Will Smith vehicle " I Am Legend , " said that he was at first hesitant when Ms. Jacobson approached him .

  3. 超过750名工程师加班加点,他们忙碌的身影经常在扎克伯格坐镇的小型玻璃会议室外往来穿梭;而近年来,这种情形在Facebook仅出现过一次。

    However , inside the Palo Alto office where more than 750 engineers regularly pass by the small glass conference room in which Zuckerberg , 27 , holds court , Facebook employees put in some serious overtime during the summer lockdown .

  4. 根据协议,自2016年NBA季后赛开始,ESPN专家每周将在现场坐镇5场比赛,提供独家、实时中文分析,作为腾讯NBA报道的一部分。

    Beginning with the 2016 NBA Playoffs , ESPN experts will be on-site at five games per week to provide exclusive , live Chinese-language analysis as part of Tencent 's NBA coverage , according to the deal .

  5. 领头人凯里·福永(执导《无名》)坐镇导演一职,朱迪·丹奇(出演《窗外有蓝天》、《莎翁情史》)饰演费尔法克斯太太,迈克尔·法斯宾德(出演《无耻混蛋》和即将上映的《X战警:初级》)则饰演暗藏秘密的爱德华·罗切斯特先生。

    At the helm Cary Fukunaga ( Sin Nombre ) sits in the director 's chair , Judi Dench ( A Room with a View , Shakespeare in Love ) as Mrs. Fairfax , and Michael Fassbender ( Inglorious Bastards and the upcoming X-Men : First Class ) as the Lord Edward Rochester .

  6. 答:我一连三周坐镇Al-Shifa医院,主持加沙地带各医院的管理工作。我每天大多只能回家呆半个到一个小时。

    A : I led the management of the hospitals in the Gaza Strip from Al-Shifa Hospital for three weeks ; I went home for30 to60 minutes most days .

  7. 据相关人士透露,考威尔和其他制片人正在与FOX台商讨代替布兰妮和雷德的评委人选事宜。黛米·洛瓦托(DemiLovato)有望重返此节目,和其他新面孔一起加入考威尔坐镇的评委席。

    Cowell and fellow producers are discussing replacements for Spears and Reid and will be conferring with Fox , said a person who is familiar with the situation but lacked authority to comment publicly and insisted on anonymity.Demi Lovato is expected to return as a panelist , joining Cowell and the newcomers .

  8. 那庞大的街垒感到他坐镇在它的臀部。

    The enormous barricade felt him on its haunches .

  9. 一位民主党人坐镇椭圆办公室,准备竞选连任。

    A DEMOCRAT sits in the Oval Office , preparing to run for re-election .

  10. 暑假他和湖人再次签约,重新与科比搭档坐镇湖人后场。

    He re-signed with the Lakers last summer and rejoined Bryant in the backcourt .

  11. 虽然一只脚坐镇中心。

    And though it in the center sit .

  12. 德甲第25轮比赛再战一场,奥格斯堡坐镇主场迎战领头羊多特蒙德。

    Borussia Dortmund faced Augsburg at home , looking to extend its eight-match winning streak .

  13. 在底特律,克莱斯勒、福特与通用汽车虽然是坐镇主场,但战场已经转到了别处。

    Chrysler , Ford and GM are at home in Detroit but the action is elsewhere .

  14. 在取得6连胜之后,老马率领的北京队本周三将会坐镇主场,迎接江苏同曦对的挑战。

    After a 6 game winning streak , Beijing is set to host Tonxi on Wednesday .

  15. 因此,有如此强大的南美洲队伍坐镇,主要的挑战力量将来自何方呢?

    So with such a strong South American contingent , where will the main challenge come from ?

  16. 同时,这位现年62岁的老板真是坐镇本田东京总部的中心。

    The 62-year-old boss also sits , literally , at the centre of Honda 's Tokyo headquarters .

  17. 这里是周六利物浦坐镇主场面对博尔顿重要的赛前数据和事实。

    Here are all the important pre-match stats and facts ahead of Saturday 's Anfield clash with Bolton .

  18. 他将坐镇纽约主营收费电视和国际业务从边缘业务转到核心。

    He will concentrate from New York on pay-TV and international businesses moving from the periphery to the centre .

  19. 今晚坐镇斯台普斯中心迎战孟菲斯灰熊队,他“很有可能”出战。

    He was termed " probable " to play in tonight 's game against the Memphis Grizzlies at Staples Center .

  20. 在最初的金佛寺道场、文殊师利菩萨坐镇的讲经堂,每天都要讲两堂经。

    In that first Gold Buddha Way-place , Manjushri Bodhisattva presided over the lecture hall , where two lectures were given daily .

  21. 议员们尚未正式决定由哪只熊坐镇孩子们的游乐场。

    The councillors have yet to make a formal decision about which bear will be the patron of the children 's playground .

  22. 如果梅雷莱斯能在周日对托特纳姆的比赛中继续坐镇中路,发挥出高水平将至关重要。

    If Meireles gets another chance to play in the middle on Sunday at Tottenham then it is imperative that he does well .

  23. 本场比赛也是勇士队在一年多的、坐镇主场的常规赛比赛当中,第一次得分低于100分。

    The Warriors were held under 100 points at home for the first time in more than a year in the regular season .

  24. 当你坐镇主场,面对对手排出铁桶阵的时候,像我说的这类球球员就有能力冲破对手的防线。

    At home when you play against side that sit back , players like the two I just mentioned are capable of unlocking a defence .

  25. 而坐镇西岸的阿巴斯先生,直到哈马斯激进分子洗劫了他在加沙的官邸才宣布进入紧急状态。

    Mr Abbas , sitting in the West Bank , did not declare a state of emergency until Hamas militants were ransacking his Gaza home .

  26. 安灼拉严肃地坐镇街垒,他的姿势正如一个年轻的斯巴达人,他立誓要把光秃秃的剑奉献给忧郁的天才埃比陀达斯。

    Enjolras , who was grave , dominated it , in the attitude of a young Spartan sacrificing his naked sword to the sombre genius , Epidotas .

  27. 现在我能骑马了.你看过我骑马了.我不会再惹麻烦的,我…临冬城必须有史塔克家的人坐镇.

    I can ride now . You 've seen me riding . And I won 't get in the way , I There must always be a Stark at Winterfell .

  28. 拉齐奥面临一个巨大的挑战,那就是周末坐镇住场迎战同城的罗马队,罗马现在保持很好的状态,已经在联赛中取得六连胜。

    The Biancocelesti face a difficult challenge as they host the in-form giallorossi , who wish to continue their good form , having won their last six Serie A matches .

  29. 每一座桥梁都有两只大约174厘米高的石麒麟(一种象征吉祥的中国独角兽),坐镇在98厘米高的石台上。

    Each bridge was guarded by two stone Chinese unicorns , or kylin ( qilin , a Chinese unicorn symbolizing auspiciousness ), approximately 174 centimeters tall on 98-centimeter-high stone platforms .

  30. 萨拉丁身肩重任,指挥赞吉军队的右翼,一支库尔德人部队指挥左翼,谢尔库赫坐镇中央。

    Saladin played a major role , commanding the right wing of the Zengid army , while a force of Kurds commanded the left , and Shirkuh stationed in the center .