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  1. 站有站相,坐有坐相,时刻保持昂首挺胸的姿态。

    Stand up , sit up , and keep your head up .

  2. 李天禄说:布偶和人一样,也要坐有坐相、走有走相。

    Li tian-lu says puppets are like people , there is a way they should walk and a way they should sit .

  3. 针对那些坐没坐相的青少年,德国某市市长近日发明了一款特制的公园长椅,使得其它不少城市也颇有兴趣。

    A mayor in Germany is attracting interest from other cities after he installed a special park bench for town teens who refuse to sit properly .

  4. 汇报工作时要注重自己的举止,做到站有站相,坐有坐相,文雅大方,彬彬有礼。

    Report the bearing that him attention wants when the job , accomplish a station to have station look , sit have sit , cultured and easy , complaisant .