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lǎo xiāng shí
  • old acquaintance;familiar face
老相识 [lǎo xiāng shí]
  • [familiar face;old acquaintance] 老熟人

老相识[lǎo xiāng shí]
  1. 昨天我偶然遇到一位老相识。那次偶然的相遇使他有了新的希望。

    Yesterday I fell in upon an old acquaintance of mine . That chance meeting opened up new possibilities for him .

  2. 赵局长和法医门诊部的陈主任是老相识了,把丽丽的事交代了一下就和我出了医院。

    Director Chen zhaojuzhang and forensic patient is an old acquaintance , Lili explain things a bit and I put on the hospital .

  3. 例句蒂姆和我是老相识,我们在小学的时候就认识了。

    Tim and I go way back – we met at primary2 school .

  4. 我爸爸和罗杰是老相识。

    My dad and Roger go way back .

  5. 你是说你并不喜欢那位老相识Vanessa?

    Serena : You 're saying you 're not into old friend Vanessa ?

  6. 极喜欢你是说你并不喜欢那位老相识Vanessa?exactly:恰好地,正是我就是这个意思。

    Serena : You 're saying you 're not into old friend Vanessa ? - Dan : That is exactly what I 'm saying . -

  7. E·B·施特劳斯,一位荣格派精神分析学家,与罗宾是老相识。这里要提到罗宾小时候的一件事,当时正在逃亡的阿比西尼亚皇帝就住在罗宾家附近,还请他们母子喝过下午茶。

    E.B. Strauss , the Jungian psychoanalyst , whom Robin had known for a long time , A reference to an incident in Robin 's boyhood , when the exiled Emperor of Abyssinia had resided near his home , and had invited Robin and his mother to tea .

  8. 卷福和哈德森太太是老相识

    Sherlock and Mrs Hudson knew each other in a previous life

  9. 雷蒙德和我是老相识了

    Raymond and I have known each other for years .

  10. 克里斯蒂娜:噢,是真的吗?安格斯,我们是老相识了。

    Christina : oh , really ? Angus , we should have known .

  11. 我的老相识

    a very close , old friend of mine .

  12. 我有很多朋友和老相识,

    I have a lot of friends and acquaintances ,

  13. 我们去拜访了一些我以前的老相识。

    We went to pay a call on some people I used to know .

  14. 每遇到老相识时,他总是感到很难为情。

    He felt very much ashamed whenever he encountered any of his old mates .

  15. 坐在我左边的牧师是我的老相识。

    Next to me sat a clergyman , who was an old friend of mine .

  16. 内维尔为拉选票便走访老相识。资产阶级政党相互争着为自己多拉选票。

    The bourgeois political parties vie with each other in pulling more votes for themselves .

  17. 她是一位可爱的老相识。

    She 's a dear old gal.

  18. 周四,警官把一辆卡车拦到路边。卡车后轮起火。他们从以往相遇发现是“一位老相识”。

    Officers pulled the truck over Thursday because a back wheel was on fire , then recognized the driver from previous encounters .

  19. 马西被梅尔伍德老相识鼓动他完成安菲尔德的转会,很明显有同乡马斯切拉诺的功劳。

    Maxi was greeted by a few familiar faces at Melwood when he completed his move to Anfield-most notably international colleague Javier Mascherano .

  20. 他们俨然如老相识一样亲密无间地攀谈了。仆人们一身皆白,背上有双翅,俨然天使模样。

    They conversed with the familiarity of a long-established acquaintance . The servants were dressed in white with wings on their backs and were to play angels .

  21. 它直观地映照出了真实生活:即便搬家或者换工作会导致我们所处的环境随之改变,老相识也会被新朋友所取代。

    This intuitively mirrors real life : even if a house move or a job change forces a change of circumstances , old acquaintances are superseded by new ones .

  22. 这阵子,两家人的交往差不多又像秋季那样频繁,这是这些老相识中谁也不曾料到的事情。

    The intercourse of the two families was at this period more nearly restored to what it had been in the autumn , than any member of the old intimacy had thought ever likely to be again .

  23. 读者一定还记得基督山伯爵那几位住在密斯雷路的新或说得更确切些,是老相识吧。莫雷尔、尤莉和艾曼纽。

    IT WILL BE recollected that the new , or rather old , acquaintances of the Count of Monte Cristo , residing in the Rue Meslay , were no other than Maximilian , Julie , and Emmanuel .

  24. 就我而言,从早上九点半到下午五点钟,我都不去理非工作邮件(不紧急的媒体采访、老相识的信件什么的),这使我专注于更主要的工作而不是在纷杂琐碎的小事情上浪费时间。

    Personally , I 've stopped answering non-work emails ( non-urgent press inquiries , emails from old connections , and the like ) between nine in the morning and five at night , and it 's forced me to focus on the bigger agenda items instead of getting lost in a sea of smaller tasks .

  25. 在我所认识的有限几个女孩当中,她是与老诗人相识的唯一的一个。

    She is the only one of the few girls of my acquaintance that is acquainted with the old poet .