
  1. 最后,本文指出,王弼的《老子注》因其所创立的崇本息术的经典解释方法而成为中国哲学史上具有划时代意义的解释学号著,客观评价了王弼哲学思想的历史地位和作用。

    Finally , WangBi created a new explaining method in the history of Confucianism and Taoism sutra , which has become the main and the typical explaining approach in Chinese academic history .

  2. 试论《太平经》及《老子想尔注》有关持戒在得道过程之作用的思想渊源

    A Tentative Analysis of the Ideological Origin about the Role of Discipline in Achieving Excellence Practice in Tai Ping Jing and Lao Zi Xiang Er Zhu

  3. 首先,中医药学是道教产生的源头之一,道教早期典籍《老子想尔注》和《太平经》都有着明显的医学烙印。

    First of all , the Chinese traditional medicine is the source of Taoism , one of the early Taoist classics , " laozi xiang er zhu " and " Taiping Jing " have a clear imprint of Medicine .