
The women who are into square-dancing cannot find other places for the hobby and have to form a group of their peers . The phenomenon shows that we urgently need to boost the cultural industry for seniors and meet their demands .
The aged culture is a system ;
The writer believes that culture of the old should not be conflicted with culture of the young .
Cultural Services for the old Readers of City Community in Public Libraries
Discussion about development of sports culture of the aged
The western anthropological concern over aging and the elderly is a reflection of a global current .
Chapter four conducts a deep analysis on the functional components of cultural activity center for senior citizens and the principles of spatial organization .
Survey results show that this was caused by unhealthy diet habit , low education , and unreasonable allocation and distribution of medical resources in rural area .
Seventh , participate in sports exercise of the old culture and so on some degree community of objective factors community elderly physical exercise to a certain extent .
In order to develop the sports culture of the aged , sports knowledge and technique should be popularised and the sports awareness of the aged people should be strengthened . More material investment should be put into the sports culture and the develop of the traditional sports culture .
A Study of Community Cultural Construction from Spiritual & Cultural Needs of the Elderly
This paper provides a case for reference for the elderly health cultural interference .
Cultural values that emphasize respect for older people
Analyse the Problems and Research the Suggestions of Old People Life Quality in Our Country
In the eyes of the cultural structure of elderly , educational level of the elderly is apparently less than common people .
Second , from literate structure , the old aged women are low in education in all and that the exercises are better than the no-exerciser ;
This article analyses the cultural requirement of the old readers of city community and put forwards the proposals and countermeasures for the public library to serve the old readers .
Due to the differences of culture , language barriers , and the effects of their traditional ideas of elderly Chinese immigrants , their lives in western countries are more easily to be difficult and challenging .
Educational level and need of sanitation in middle and elderly residents of community : The middle and elder people had certain cultural knowledge of that community ( 75.9 % persons with middle and high school educational background ) .
Both the ancestor worship and the ageing cultural psychology come from the worship of the elderly . They work together to coordinate the production and life of the Chinese people and lay down the foundation for the great vitality of the Chinese culture .
Ms. Cosby said she learned how valuable it is for older people to be honored in American culture .
An Analysis on the Cultural Connotation of the Aged about The Scholars On Santiago 's Code Hero in The Old Man and The Sea
Giving health education to the population of middle-old age , drinking , lower diploma degree , fat or overweighted , lower spirit played an important role on the prevention of hypertension .
The influential factors of compliance included old age , low education , low paid occupation , asthma , irregularly consulting a doctor , categories of drugs or drug quantities , and adverse drug reactions .
On the base of gradual increase in economy , the need of Spiritual Culture increasingly vibrant . The need of Spiritual Culture of aging population became a new problem brought about by the aging of population .
Care for the Aged Readers , Flourish the Culture of Old Age
Protecting the aged spiritual needs and enriching theirs spare time become urgent work .
Under the premise of material life conditions the basic needs of older persons , the spiritual and cultural needs of the elderly are being more and more attention .
In this section , we mainly used the five times general survey data and consecutive years of monitoring data of the aging population .
For Shanghai , the lives of older persons is relatively protected precisely because cultural activities for the elderly , entertainment , social and living environment to become a new research focus .