
huì xuǎn
  • Bribery election;get elected by bribery;practise bribery at an election
贿选 [huì xuǎn]
  • [practise bribery at an election;get elected by bribery] 用行贿来拉选票,使自己或自己所在党派的候选人当选

贿选[huì xuǎn]
  1. 辛格的政府已深陷各种丑闻泥潭,包括英联邦运动会(commonwealthgames)、贿选以及一桩涉及军方高官的土地诈骗。

    His administration is already mired in scandals over the Commonwealth Games , cash for votes and a land scam involving military top brass .

  2. 而笔者之所以选择郑州市W村为个案对村民委员会贿选问题进行实地研究,是因为笔者以一个普通村民的身份亲历了这次选举的全过程,收集到内容丰富且他人不易获得的经验资料。

    The author chose Zhengzhou W village in selection of villager committees problems , because author participate in process of election in identity of the villagers , and collect rich content and experience material the other is hard to gain .

  3. 村民自治中贿选现象的法经济学分析

    A Law and Economics Analysis on Bribe Election in Villagers'Self-Governance

  4. 贿选的危害及其法律规制

    Harm of election through bribery and its legal control

  5. 不过,印度政府的胜利由于出现贿选的指控而失色。

    But the government 's victory was marred by allegations of vote buying .

  6. 村民委员会选举过程中的贿选问题研究

    The Bribery Research of the Village Committee Election Process

  7. 我国村民自治中贿选治理制度的现状与完善

    The Present Situation and its Perfection of Bribery Election Fathering System in Chinese Villager Autonomy

  8. 受理贿选举报,申诉机关在案件的受理、理等方面都需进一步协调。

    There is need to further coordination of hearing bribery election prosecution and appeal department .

  9. 破坏选举罪中贿选若干问题刍议

    Discussing on some problems about the bribery on the the accusal of destruction to election

  10. 村民自治中贿选的法律规制和综合治理

    On the Legal Definition of " Bribe Election " in Autonomous Villages and its Countermeasures

  11. 泰国抗议者厌倦了曼谷的贿选和大选中其它形式的以权谋私行为。

    Thai protesters are tired of vote-buying and other forms of influence peddling in elections here .

  12. 村民自治中贿选现象的成因及其遏制措施

    The Phenomena of Bribery at An Election In Village Self-Governance and the Measures of Its Prevention

  13. 然而在村委会选举中存在的贿选现象严重危害着村民自治的健康发展。

    However , the bribery phenomenon in village committee elections seriously endangers the healthy development of autonomy .

  14. 周一,一个道德委员会决定布拉特无须回答关于贿选的事。

    An ethics committee decided on Sunday Sepp Blatter had no case to answer in a bribes-for-votes case .

  15. 最后,在上文所作分析的基层上,建设性提出了几点促进贿选问题解决的办法。

    The last , the author puts forward some methods to promote the solve of bribery problem constructively .

  16. 针对我国村民自治中的贿选现象,我国现在的治理制度还不完善。

    Aiming at the phenomenon of bribery election of Chinese villager autonomy , our fathering system is not complete .

  17. 乡村贿选侵犯了村民的选举权,滋生了村官腐败现象,败坏了社会风气,危及到农村的社会稳定。

    Bribery election infringes villagers'election right , cultivates corruption , ruins the ethos and endangers social stability in rural area .

  18. 乡村贿选是行贿人(候选人)、受贿人(选民)等相关人员在特定的法律制度背景下为了自身的利益而相互作用的结果。

    In order to maximize their own profits the candidates bribe electorates and it is where the problem comes from .

  19. 成功与失败:贿选的两种结果&兼谈村委会选举中的贿选

    Success and Failure : The Two Result of Practise Bribery in Election & Villagers ' Committees of Practise Bribery in Election

  20. 记名投票可能会招致贿选的弊病,但有时候会带来其它好处。

    But at some point the benefits of some type of verifiable ballot may outweigh the disadvantages of potential vote buying .

  21. 村委会选举中的贿选现象已成为村民自治领域内的一个热点问题。

    The practice of bribery at the election of villagers ' committee has become a hot problem in the field of village self-Governance .

  22. 比如,贿选问题,它危害着村民自治的健康发展,影响着农村社会的稳定。

    For example , the " bribery ", which endanger the healthy development of village self-government , affect the stability of rural society .

  23. 从而指出这种政治亚文化对村委会选举制度所倡导的主导政治文化的文化抵制作用是贿选问题产生的文化动因。

    Thus points out the boycott which the political subculture to leading political culture that advocated by the electoral system is the cultural factor .

  24. 贿选是多方面因素共同作用下产生的结果,这里面既有深刻的政治、经济因素,也有复杂的社会、制度方面因素。

    Bribery is multiple factors produced results , which are both profound political , economic factors , but also a complex social , institutional factors .

  25. 贿选问题,必须予以杜绝,这是时代发展的要求,也是建设和谐农村的需要。

    So the briberies must be rooted out , which is an need of both the development of times and the building of harmonious countryside .

  26. 素贴表示,有必要在举行新大选前消除泰国政坛的腐败和贿选模式。

    That is necessary , he said , to eradicate a pattern of corruption and vote-buying from Thai politics before another election can be held .

  27. 贿选、村两委矛盾的加深、乡镇过分干预的存在影响了选举的公正与质量;

    Elect through bribery , village two committee intensification , excessive existence of intervention of villages and towns of contradiction influence fairness and quality that elect ;

  28. 为了防止贿选或恐吓选民的行为,投票者可在选举期间多次投票,但有效的是最后一票。

    To discourage vote-buying or voter intimidation , electors may cast their ballot multiple times during the election period , though only the final vote counts .

  29. 完善贿选治理制度需要从完善村委会选举制度、选举程序制度和加大对贿选的法律惩治等方面抓起。

    To perfect bribery election , we should start from perfecting village commission election system , voting procedure system and increasing the punishment to the bribery election .

  30. 对贿选结果的处理及贿选法律责任的立法不健全,操作性不强,甚至缺乏刑事处罚依据。

    The legislation on the legal obligation of bribery election and disposal of bribery election result is not healthy and operative , even lacks criminal penalty ground .
