
tóng jū
  • live together;cohabit;have shacked up with;shack up;be living in sin
同居 [tóng jū]
  • (1) [live together]∶同住一处

  • 同居的犯人闹绝食

  • (2) [cohabit]

  • (3) 指夫妻一起生活

  • 夫妻同居五台山

  • (4) 常指未经履行法定结婚仪式而共同生活

  • 他同他所认识的另一个少女同居

同居[tóng jū]
  1. 今天,我们听到未成年少女怀孕时不会再感到惊讶,也不会再去私下谈论谁谁未婚同居。

    Today , we no longer gasp when we hear a teenage girl is pregnant or whisper about unmarried couples who live together

  2. 显然,同意签署不婚协议的两个人确定他们愿意选择同居的生活方式但并不打算结婚。

    By agreeing to a no-nup , it is clear that they are sure that they share the lifestyle choice to live together and not to marry .

  3. 我听说他跟一个女人同居了。

    I hear he 's shacked up with some woman .

  4. 倾向于同居而不是结婚的趋势

    the trend towards couples living together rather than marrying .

  5. 这对情侣已经同居了16年。

    The couple had been living together for 16 years .

  6. 他们说,同居情侣会让他们的结合合法化。

    Cohabiting couples would regularise their unions , they said

  7. 她与同居伴侣共住这一间公寓。

    She shared the apartment with her live-in partner .

  8. 她丈夫和一个比她年轻的女人同居了。

    Her husband had moved in with a younger woman

  9. 她和男友同居。

    She was living in sin with her boyfriend .

  10. 她现在与比她小10岁的演员丹尼斯·劳森同居。

    She now lives with actor Denis Lawson , 10 years her junior .

  11. 那个牙医离开了和他生活了15年的妻子,与自己诊所的接待小姐公开同居。

    The dentist left his wife of 15 years and openly cohabited with his receptionist

  12. 原来她在纽约和一名律师同居了。

    It turned out she was shacked up with a lawyer in New York .

  13. 在意大利,很少有人未婚同居。

    In Italy people hardly ever cohabit

  14. 任何律师都会告诉你,如果你们同居,而和你同居的男人离开了你,在法律上你得不到任何支持。

    Any solicitor will tell you , if you 're cohabiting and the man leaves you , you haven 't got a leg to stand on .

  15. 父母死后,他和叔父同居。

    After his parents died , he lived with his uncle .

  16. 氏族组织曾打算采取直接行动根除这个时期流行的整个同居制度。

    The gens attempted to uproot the entire conjugal system of the period by its direct action .

  17. 在这些物质压力之下,年轻人觉得尽快同居是一种离开父母管辖,又能省钱的经济方法。

    Given these money worries , young people may see economic benefits of moving in together as soon as possible , to get out of the parental home and to save money .

  18. 尽管同居率呈上升趋势,但自1990年以来,已婚和未婚同居的年轻人的总体比例大幅下降。

    While cohabitation has been on the rise , the overall share of young adults either married or living with an unmarried patner has substantially fallen since 1990 .

  19. 在2014年的大学毕业生中,有46%的人已婚或与伴侣同居,只有19%的人与父母或其中一方同住。

    Among college graduates , in 2014 46 % were married or living with a partner , and only 19 % were living with their parent ( s ) .

  20. 他跟一个在柏林结识的女子同居了

    He 's shacked up with some girl he met in Berlin .

  21. 他们同居了

    They have shacked up together .

  22. 不婚协议是两个想忠于感情关系但并不打算步入婚姻的人之间签署的法律协议。这份协议规定了他们同居生活的各种条款以及万一分手或死亡的财产分配。

    No-nup agreement is a legal agreement made by two people who intend to live in a committed relationship but not to marry that defines the terms of their living arrangement and the disposition1 of their sole or shared property in the event of their parting or death .

  23. 南方红豆杉不同居群遗传多样性的RAPD研究

    RAPD analysis of population genetic diversity of Taxus mairei

  24. 新城疫V4株疫苗的研究&口服、滴鼻与同居感染免疫试验

    Studies on V_4 strain vaccine of Newcastle disease : Oral administration , nasal drip and cohabitation infective immune test

  25. 使用GC-MS仪对大渡河和岷江流域的四个不同居群的岷江柏叶精油进行了化学组分研究。

    The essential oil of the foliage from four Cupressus chenegiana populations distributed in Minjiang and Daduhe rivers was analyzed by GC-MS.

  26. [背景资料和研究目的]不孕症(infertility)指婚后未避孕、有正常性生活,同居2年而未受孕者。

    [ Background and Objective ] Infertility is defied that the couple with normal sexual life who can not conceive two years without contraception .

  27. 初产/经产及同居时间对NIH小鼠受孕率和剖腹产成活率的影响

    Effects of Primiparous / Multiparous and Cohabiting Hours on Pregnant Rate and Caesarean Birth Survival Rate in NIH Mice

  28. 随后她又开始和29岁的NickFarmer约会,这对幸福的情侣搬到一起同居,预定了婚礼和宴会,并送出了所有的婚礼请柬。

    Next she started dating Nick Farmer , 29 , and the happy couple moved in together , booked their wedding and reception and even sent out all the invitations .

  29. 加拿大一枝黄花不同居群叶表皮和茎结构特征及其与环境因子的CCA分析

    Structural features of leaf epidermis and stem of different populations of Solidago canadensis and CCA analysis of the structural features with environmental factors

  30. 据美国《OK!》杂志报道,已同居五年的皮特和茱丽之所以打算结婚,是因为孩子们的“软磨硬泡”。

    The impending nuptials , which come after the pair have lived together for five years , were prompted by their children , who demanded that their parents marry , according to the American OK ! magazine .