
  • Deskmate;My deskmate;The Same Table Classmate
  1. 同桌的你,你还记得以前的我们吗?

    Deskmate of you , you remember before us ?

  2. 同桌的你,是那末的活泼,那末的优秀,那末地引人注目。

    Your table is then the lively , then outstanding , then to high-profile .

  3. 我不能说《同桌的你》是一部立意深刻的影片,而它也不必非要这样做。

    I can 't say My Old Classmate is profound and incisive , but it doesn 't have to be .

  4. 当年的一曲《同桌的你》,不知打动了多少多愁善感的莘莘学子,而且让不多愁的也善感起来。

    His song Tong Zhuo De Ni , touched so many sentimental students and even made the indifferent ones moved a lot .

  5. 二十多年前,高晓松创作了校园经典民谣《同桌的你》的歌词,打动了无数人的心。

    About twenty years ago , Gao Xiaosong wrote the lyrics of the classic folk song My Old Classmate and touched millions of hearts .

  6. 但是我们在另外一些热门青春片中已经看过许多类似的故事了,比如去年上映的《致青春》以及2011年的《那些年我们一起追过的女孩》,所以《同桌的你》似乎有些老生常谈。

    But after seeing similar stories several times in other popular youth films , such as last year 's So Young , and 2011 " s You 're the Apple of My Eye , it feels a bit cliched .

  7. 影片《同桌的你》由22岁的周冬雨和26岁的林更新主演,记录了男女主人公从中学同桌到高中、大学以及毕业后的生活及爱情经历。

    Starring Zhou Dongyu , 22 , and Lin Gengxin , 26 , My Old Classmate follows the pair 's life and love from middle school , when they are tablemates , through high school , college and beyond their graduation .

  8. 那现在,看一下你同桌的人。看到你不认识的人了吗?

    Now , first , take a look at who is at your table with you .

  9. 我欣赏你敢于直言恶习的勇气,欣赏你对刁蛮同桌的宽容,欣赏你学习时刻苦专研、坚持不懈的精神。

    I admire your courage to fight against the bad behaviors , your tolerance towards your tough deskmate and your persistence in learning .