
  • 网络a chicken
  1. 迪克指出,昆虫属于低胆固醇和高蛋白的食物,且造成的浪费更少。我们在吃鸡的时候,通常要扔掉其中的四分之三,而一只蝗虫,我们则能吃掉它的四分之三。

    As well as being low in cholesterol and high in protein , insects produce less waste , Dicke points out , as we typically throw away three-quarters of a chicken , but can eat the same percentage of a locust .

  2. 他们午餐吃鸡胸肉。

    They had chicken breasts for lunch .

  3. 我会自己动手吃鸡的。

    I will help myself to the chicken .

  4. 这只猫擅长捕鼠,也喜欢吃鸡,结果赵国人家中的老鼠被捕光了,但鸡也所剩无几。

    That cat not only caught mice but also ate chicken . As a result , there was no mouse in that man 's house any more , but there were very few chicken left too .

  5. 你也听到他说的了,他叫我去吃鸡“蛋”。

    You heard him -- he told me to suck eggs .

  6. 仙女公主喜欢吃鸡所以很胖。

    The princess fairy likes to eat chicken so she is fat .

  7. 吃鸡不能带骨头,如果她开始喘气…

    No chicken bones . If she starts to wheeze --

  8. 我说我喜欢吃鸡,但是我只吃鸡皮。

    I said I ate the chicken but I just ate the skin .

  9. 正餐我们吃鸡还是吃鸭?

    Shall we have chicken or duck for dinner ?

  10. 我们今天吃鸡而不吃鱼。

    We 'll have chicken instead of fish today .

  11. 我妈把它脖子拧了然后晚上就吃鸡

    and my mom wrung its neck , and we had it for dinner .

  12. 我比较喜欢吃鸡而不太喜欢其他种类的家禽。

    I prefer the taste of chicken to that of other kinds of fowl .

  13. 妈妈:我吃鸡翼!

    Mummy : I want chicken wings .

  14. 我们会吃鸡和沙拉。

    We will have chicken and salad .

  15. 你喜欢吃鸡爪子。

    You like to eat chicken feet .

  16. 金回应说全世界吃鸡块都是蘸蜂蜜的。

    Kim 's response suggested that the entire planet dips their chicken nuggets in honey .

  17. 我们正餐又吃鸡了。

    We had chicken again for dinner .

  18. 此外,张劲硕还提到了那句谚语,并指出黄鼠狼其实不常吃鸡。

    Zhang also noted the proverb and pointed out that weasels do not usually eat chickens .

  19. 我想今晚吃鸡。

    I prefer eating chicken tonight .

  20. 你要吃鸡块吗?

    You want some chicken nuggets ?

  21. 调查结果提示,吃鸡很可能是其重要传播因素;

    The results suggested that eating chicken was probably the important transmission factor of the Campylobacter enteritis .

  22. 用筷子来优雅的吃鸡翅膀是我的独门绝技!

    Using chopsticks to eat chicken wings elegantly is one skill that I have yet to master !

  23. 你曾说过厌倦吃鸡胸肉和沙拉,也不想再像以前锻练

    You mentioned that you got so sick of eating chicken breasts and salads and you would not exercise ever again

  24. 结果大家发现这个全球上镜次数最多的女人喜欢吃鸡块蘸……蜂蜜?!

    It turns out that the most photographed woman in the world likes to dip her chicken nuggets in ... honey ? !

  25. 这个标语是上世纪50年代偶然得来的。当时,经销商凯夫·哈曼在一期美国电视节目的背景中被拍到正在吃鸡块。

    The slogan originated by accident in the1950s , when franchisee Dave Harman was featured eating chicken in the background of a US TV commercial .

  26. 我本来只想吃点玉米或水果,可这家店不是牛肉就是鸡肉,没有了我想要的玉米,只能吃鸡了。

    My original wants to eat some corn or fruit , but this store only has beef or chicken , so I prefer to have chicken .

  27. 昨天是我第一次玩吃鸡(绝地求生)。如果你在这局游戏里面失去优势了,别失去理智。不要失去理智

    Yesterday I lost my cherry playing PUBG . If you lose your ground in the game , don 't lose your head . Don 't lose your head .

  28. 女:早上,中午,晚上我都喜欢吃鸡,所以早餐我肯定会吃鸡,洛克茜:大家认为早餐会吃什么?

    Woman : I love chicken morning , afternoon , evening , and night I would definitely eat it for breakfast Roxie : For breakfast , what do you think you 're going to have ?

  29. 巴伦的食谱如下:早餐吃肉和饼干,午餐吃鸡脖子,晚餐吃更多的肉和饼干,还有额外的维生素、油脂、沙丁鱼、蛋类、南瓜和蔬菜。

    Baron 's typical eating schedule consists of meat and biscuits for breakfast , chicken necks for a midday snack , and more meat and biscuits for dinner along with extra vitamins and oils , and some sardines , egg , pumpkin and veggies .

  30. 被亲切地称为吃鸡的绝地求生就像已经被玩坏了的饥饿游戏。这是一个多人在线的视频游戏,游戏中你将被降落在一个岛上,通过寻找武器保护你自己,最终只能有一个人或团队存活下来。

    Player Unknown Battlegrounds , affectionately known as PUBG , is like the Hunger Games on crack . It 's an online multiplayer video game where you 're locked on an island , scavenging for weapons , and there 's only one man or team left standing .