
  1. 他们的紫舌头都吃红了。

    Their tongues turned from purple to red .

  2. 我们晚饭吃红葡萄酒浸的梨子。

    We had pears steeped in red wine for dinner .

  3. 你喜欢吃红葡萄酒煮的梨吗?

    Do you like pears poached in red wine ?

  4. 宴会上父母会给客人吃红鸡蛋,象征幸福和生命的延续。

    The parents hand out red-dyed eggs , symbolizing happiness and the renewal of life .

  5. 孩子们吃起红肠土豆来总是吃得肚皮胀鼓鼓的。鼓手需要一个非常舒适的踩锤击打鼓皮的感觉。

    The children would eat sausage and mash until it came out of their ears . The drummer needs to be comfortable with the feel of the beater hitting the head .

  6. 他渴望吃到几个红熟多汁的西红柿。

    He had a longing for some juicy , red-ripe tomatoes .

  7. 高邮等地有吃“十二红”的习俗。

    Gaoyou and other places have the tradition of eating " twelve red . "

  8. 这就意味着多吃富含茄红素的食物会让你的骨骼更加强健,西瓜就是这么个好东西。

    This means you will get stronger bones when you eat foods rich in lycopene , such as watermelons .

  9. 有没有给孩子吃西瓜这类红的东西,你看错了,如果真的是血的话只要可能是痔疮,不过这么小的孩子好象不大可能。

    There did not give your baby to eat red watermelon such things , you are wrong , if this is really the case as long as the blood may be hemorrhoids , but such a small baby seemed unlikely .