
  1. 汉英寒暄语比较研究&从汉语你吃了吗?与英语HELLO谈起

    The Comparative Study of Chinese and English Phatic Communion Based on ni chi le ma ? in Chinese and HELLO in English

  2. Hartley先生,你客户的护照被狗吃了吗?

    Dog ate your client 's passport , Mr. Hartley ?

  3. 而不是中国更加传统的那句“你吃了吗?”

    Instead of the more traditional " have you eaten ? "

  4. 是纳尔逊洛克菲勒的儿子真的被食人族吃了吗?

    Was the son of Nelson Rockefeller really eaten by cannibals ?

  5. 你介意我把最后一块巧克力吃了吗?

    Do you mind if I have the last chocolate ?

  6. 我可以把这个苹果和这个梨都吃了吗?

    Can I eat both the apple and the pear , please ?

  7. 你能不吃了吗?你会发胖的。

    Will you stop eating ? You 're getting fat .

  8. 你今天吃了吗我记不得了

    Have you eaten today ? I can 't remember .

  9. 你吃了吗?马克:吃啦。

    Hey , did you eat it already ? Mark : Yup .

  10. 由于同样的原因,英语母语者听到“吃了吗?”

    By the same token ," Have you eaten ?"

  11. 你认为那条鲨鱼把本给吃了吗?

    Do you think the shark got ben ?

  12. 女:你真的吃了吗?

    W : Did you actually eat it ?

  13. 你没其他的东西可以吃了吗?

    Didn 't have anything else to eat ?

  14. 你今天的综合维他命已经吃了吗?

    Have you taken your multivitamin today ?

  15. 准备好去吃了吗?

    You ready to go eat now ?

  16. 你把那药丸给她吃了吗?

    Did you bolus her with fluids ?

  17. 汤和炖菜都吃了吗?

    Are the soup and stew through ?

  18. 但是现在,如果你问我女儿这代人吃了吗?

    Now you ask the young people like my daughter : have you had your meal ?

  19. 今天中午吃了吗?

    Have you had lunch today ?

  20. 你给小猫咪吃了吗?

    Did you feed the cat ?

  21. 妈妈,要是把潜水艇涂成像条鱼那样,大鲸鱼会把它吃了吗?

    Mommy , if you paint a submarine like a fishy , will a whale eat it ?

  22. 有哪只小猪被吃了吗?西里尔问。没有,它们都跑了。

    ' Were any of the little pigs killed ? ' asked Cyril . ' No , they all escaped . '

  23. 食品是中国文化的核心,人们彼此打招呼的时候总是问:“你吃了吗?”

    Food is central to the culture of China , where people greet each other by asking , " have you eaten yet ? "

  24. 记得在我上大学的时候,人们彼此的问候不是你好吗,而是吃了吗?

    Even when I was in college , the greeting words for people meeting each other on the street was not : how are you ?

  25. 但是现在,如果你问我女儿这代人“吃了吗?”,他们会怀疑你是不是有毛病。

    Now you ask the young people like my daughter : have you had your meal ? They would wonder if you have a problem .

  26. 男常潮想问早饭吃了吗,但他没有问出口,因恰好这时,有人高声宣布葬礼结束。

    We tried to ask her whether she had the breakfast , but somebody announced aloud that the funeral was over , he had no time to speak it out .

  27. 比如,中国人常通过问“吃了吗?”来表达问候,而这对于西方人来讲便构成了午饭或晚饭的邀请。

    For example , the Chinese often greet each other by asking ' Have you taken your meal ?' which , to the Western ears , would make an invitation to lunch or dinner .

  28. 而你在遇到这些问题时,完全不必直接回答。“吃了吗?”“你去哪儿?”这是打招呼的用语,问话人并不想得到你的确切回答。

    You need not answer such questions directly . " have you had your meal ?" and " where are you going ?" are used to greet people , the speaker does not really want to get your answer .

  29. 记得在我上大学的时候,人们彼此的问候不是“你好吗”,而是“吃了吗?”温饱曾经是中国家庭和中国政府最关心的大问题。

    Even when I was in college , the greeting words for people meeting each other on the street was not : how are you ? But : have you had your meal ? Food was the biggest concern of the families and of the government .

  30. DrDawes:你吃了蛋糕吗?

    Dr Dawes : Did you eat any cake ?