
chī huò
  • good-for-nothing
  • buy in stocks
  1. A:味道好极了!作为一个真正的吃货,我喜欢这里的各种传统食物。我的家人也是。

    A : It tastes delicious ! As a real foodie , I enjoy all kinds of traditional food here . And so do my family .

  2. “情绪化吃货”用emotionaleater表示,emotionaleating意为“借吃消愁”。“借吃消愁”可能使你的减肥努力付之东流。

    Emotional eating can derail your weight-loss efforts .

  3. 还是别去Domino’s和棒!约翰(PapaJohns)了,吃货们推荐的是PapaMurphy’s的Take‘N’烤披萨。

    Maybe skip Domino 's and Papa Johns and head to Papa Murphy 's Take ' N " Bake Pizza , which was named number one .

  4. 1.吃货必备——煎饼枕这款枕头是由ToddvonBastiaans和BryanMcCarthy共同设计而成,它看起来超级像一堆薄饼上放了两块黄油。

    This pillow set design by Todd von Bastiaans and Bryan McCarthy really looks like pancakes with pats of butter !

  5. 吃货和骑马爱好者都会喜欢马厩酒馆(BrasserieLesHaras)。这家小店设在18世纪的一座马厩里,2013年经过一群设计师和餐饮企业家的改造以后重新开业。

    Food lovers and jockeys alike will appreciate Brasserie Les Haras , an 18th-century horse stable that was renovated and reopened in 2013 by a dream team of designers and restaurateurs .

  6. 亚洲50最佳餐厅榜单的小组编辑德鲁(WilliamDrew)说,入围餐厅由全球900多人通过不记名投票产生,这些人当中有厨师、餐厅老板、美食作家和批评家以及游历甚广的吃货。

    Restaurants are voted on by more than 900 people across the world & an anonymous mix of chefs and restaurateurs , food writers and critics , and food experts or ' well-traveled gastronomes , ' according to William Drew , group editor for Asia 's 50 Best Restaurants .

  7. 亚洲50最佳餐厅榜单的小组编辑德鲁(WilliamDrew)说,入围餐厅由全球900多人通过不记名投票产生,这些人当中有厨师、餐厅老板、美食作家和批评家以及游历甚广的“吃货”。

    Restaurants are voted on by more than 900 people across the world -- an anonymous mix of chefs and restaurateurs , food writers and critics , and food experts or ' well-traveled gastronomes , ' according to William Drew , group editor for Asia 's 50 Best Restaurants .

  8. 另外,面包真的很美味。根据Kotaku网表示,“木下”这一名字在日语中的意思是“吃货美女”,木下优香真算是名副其实了,因为此前她还曾经一次性吃下100块麦当劳的鸡块。

    According to Kotaku.com , Kinoshita mean a ' gluttonous beautiful woman ' in Japanese - and Yuka certainly lives up to the name as she has previously eaten 100 chicken nuggets from McDonalds in one sitting .

  9. 吃货症末期,体重太重,钱包太轻!

    Epicure in end stage : more fat and less money .

  10. •“吃货:嘴巴停不住,吃东西像打仗”

    • " the glutton , overeating and eating too fast "

  11. 马克:我还是个十足的美食家(吃货)。

    Mark : Well , I 'm a total foodie .

  12. 他什么工作都干不了,真是个吃货。

    He is able to do nothing , he really is a good-for-nothing .

  13. 逗吃货开心的方法很简单,只要带吃货去吃好吃的。

    It 's easy to make a foodie happy-just give me something to eat .

  14. 身为吃货,容易感到幸福和满足;

    It 's easy for a foodie like me to feel happy and satisfied ;

  15. 而且你们俩很有可能是一对儿吃货!

    You 're both also probably foodies !

  16. 我是一个超级大吃货。

    I am a super huge foodie .

  17. 最吃货的圣诞祝福愿你有一个清清爽爽的圣诞节:多收黄油般的讯息、多打巧克力味的电话、多些奶油似的的想法、玩得像水果般甜蜜!


  18. 作为一名吃货,她十分理解同学足不出户、便可在寝室享受美食的想法。

    As a food lover , she understands students ' want to eat delicious food in their dormitory .

  19. 对吃货们来说,这里绝对是个不二选择,同时这也是展示当地特色菜的机会。

    It 's a treat for food afficionados , but is also an opportunity to showcase local cuisine .

  20. 另一个大吃货说,有那么一天他会有很多食物,都会吃“爆炸”。

    Another big eater said that someday they would have so much food to eat that they would explode

  21. 吃货一定储备了很多吃的,吃货身边的人一定不会饿着;

    I always have a lot of things to eat , so friends around me would never get hungry ;

  22. 吃货和游客们为了买到“克罗纳茨”在曼哈顿岛的烘焙店外排起了长队,“克罗纳茨”是一种甜点,结合了羊角面包和甜甜饼的特点,香甜酥脆。

    And foodies and tourists are packing a Manhattan bakery for Cronuts . The croissant-doughnut hybrid is a crunchy and sweet dessert .

  23. 长久以来,许多乡村音乐的粉丝曾踏上去往纳什维尔的音乐朝圣之旅,但现在,这座城市在摇滚乐迷与吃货中迅速赢得了声望。

    Country music lovers have long made the pilgrimage to Nashville , but now the city has fast gained cachet among rock fans and foodies .

  24. 因为担心这两个太能吃的吃货会影响生意,英国一家自助餐厅的经理决定将这两名男子终身封杀。

    Two men have been banned for life from an all-you-can-eat restaurant after their appetites left the manager fearing for the future of his business .

  25. 这家名叫“维尼披萨”的店位于布鲁克林。店家在推特上披露了自己“披萨做成披萨盒”的创意之后,饥饿的披萨吃货们立刻不淡定了。

    Vinnie 's Pizzeria in Brooklyn revealed " the pizza box pizza " via Twitter and it 's been sending hungry pizza lovers into a tailspin .

  26. 这3个词或许是每个吃货的噩梦——但是,不幸的是:碳水化合物过量是确信无疑的事实。

    These three words are every food-lover 's worst nightmare - but it turns out that unfortunately there is such a thing as too many carbs .

  27. 所以一听说布里斯托有这么个全欧洲吃货交流的活动,我们就忍不住来了。

    So when we came across an event in Bristol that was bringing people together from all over Europe to do just that , we couldn 't resist .

  28. 尼亚加拉瀑布城因美妙的天然风景和媚俗旅游而闻名于世,现在正在吸引越来越多的吃货与冒险家。

    Known for its remarkable natural beauty and tourist kitsch , Niagara Falls is now evolving into a draw for those who love food as well as those who seek thrills .

  29. 虽然在北京和上海这样闻名的美食城市,游客就能品尝到中国及世界各地的美味,但只有在这些大城市以外的地方,吃货们才能品尝到最好吃的中国美食。

    Although travelers can try dishes from around China and the globe in renowned food cities Beijing and Shanghai , it is outside these major metropolises where a world of exciting Chinese cuisine awaits the true foodie .

  30. 充满嚼劲儿的馍馍通常是在土灶内烤制或平底锅上煎制而成,然后在里面加入让人垂涎欲滴的风味烤肉——这道小吃不仅火遍中国大街小巷,在海外吃货的嘴里,也是赞不绝口。

    The chewy bun baked in a clay oven or fried in a pan and with a mouthwatering meat filling stewed in a variety of spices - is not only popular in China 's streets and alleys but also with foodies overseas .