
shāng yì
  • discuss;deliberate;propose;confer
商议 [shāng yì]
  • (1) [discuss]∶为了对取得一致意见而进行讨论

  • 商议举行一次聚会的计划

  • (2) [propose]∶建议

  • 这件事,我到有个商议,只是不好在老爹跟前说。--《儒林外史》

商议[shāng yì]
  1. 我将和他商议这件事。

    I 'll confer with him on the subject .

  2. 据NPR新闻的嘉莉·约翰逊报道,霍尔德将于本周晚些时候前往案发地,同调查人员和社区领导进行商议。

    NPR 's Carrie Johnson reports Holder will travel to the area later this week to confer with investigators and community leaders .

  3. 价格不容商议。

    The price is not open to negotiation .

  4. 经过十小时的商议,陪审团宣告了“无罪”的裁决。

    After ten hours of deliberation , the jury returned a verdict of ' not guilty ' .

  5. 他与希尔及其他人在办公室里商议了一番。

    He conferred with Hill and the others in his office

  6. 6人陪审团认真商议了约两个小时后作出了裁定。

    The six-person jury deliberated about two hours before returning with the verdict

  7. 陪审团今天将退庭商议裁决结果。

    The jury will retire to consider its verdict today .

  8. 负责人商议之后,最终决定取消我们的资格。

    The stewards conferred and eventually decided to disqualify us .

  9. 两国不得不与盟国商议。

    The two countries will have to consult their allies

  10. 经理在解雇那名新员工之前和董事会商议过。

    The manager consulted with the board before firing the new employee .

  11. 这项政策是经过多次商议后才开始施行的。

    The policy was adopted in the sequence of much deliberation .

  12. 价格是可以商议的。

    The price is a matter of negotiation .

  13. 事情已商议停妥。

    The matter has been discussed and satisfactorily dealt with .

  14. 价钱方面,我们可以商议解决。

    We can come to some arrangement about the price .

  15. 2010年11月,卫生部宣布其采取该措施目的,2012年全年都在商议。

    The Department of Health declared its intention to consider the move in November 2010 and consulted through 2012 .

  16. 学院系统和其他国家部门的管理费用数据将成为“商业理由”的一部分,而在官员们商议外包方案细节时,州政府会使用该理由。

    Data on management expenses at the college system and in other state departments will be part of a " business justification " the state will use as officials deliberate the specifics of an outsourcing plan .

  17. 在那之前,学者警告说,能源缺乏的世界对资源的要求会加大重新商议南极洲协议的压力,允许更多的商业企图在禁令到期之前出现在这。

    And even before then , scholars warn , the demand for resources in an energy-hungry world could raise pressure to renegotiate Antarctica 's treaties , possibly allowing more commercial endeavours here well before the prohibitions against them expire .

  18. Jury陪审团6人陪审团认真商议了约两个小时后作出了裁定。

    The six-person jury deliberated about two hours before returning with the verdict .

  19. 我们将一起和专家商议她的教育事宜

    We will consult together with advisors about her education .

  20. 在签署这些文件前,我要与我的秘书商议。

    I want to check with my secretary before I sign the papers .

  21. 陪审团回到陪审室进行商议,法官就等着宣布结果,马上回家。每个人都在等待着最后的判决。

    The jury went into the jury-room , the judge started getting ready to go home , and everyone waited .

  22. 威尔士教育部部长柯丝蒂·威廉姆斯认为这个变化是必要的,以给学生提供一个公平的竞争环境。每所学校的评估结果将参照经过商议决定的“全威尔士地区指导方针”,以保证威尔士各地评估标准的一致性。

    The Education Minister Kirsty Williams says the change is needed to allow for a level playing field , and that the result from each school will be played into an agreed ' national approach ' to provide consistency across Wales .

  23. 商议婚前协议的时候,夫妻双方通常考虑的都是婚前财务、退休金方案、银行存款以及房产等问题。不过,他们其实也应该考虑一下婚前和婚后养的宠物要怎么处理。

    When considering a prenuptial agreement , couples usually include their thoughts on pre-marital finances , 401K plans , bank accounts and real estate . But they should also discuss what to do about dogs , cats and other animals acquired before and during the marriage .

  24. 冰岛现在可以与imf商议一个有限制性条件的计划,并从imf贷款。

    Iceland could now negotiate an IMF programme with conditionality and lending from the fund .

  25. 主观辩证法商议角膜地形图为临床评估LASIK效果提供了客观依据。

    Topography provides a subjective method to evaluate the result of LASIK .

  26. 在联合国安理会(UNSecurityCouncil)商议对利比亚的行动期间,中国表现得相对而言较为“积极”&当然,这是与前几次联合国对局势动荡的产油国采取措施时相比较而言。

    China has been relatively constructive during UN Security Council deliberations on Libya , certainly when compared with previous UN efforts relating to unstable oil-producing states .

  27. MGC会监测本地和远地MG之间发送的传真商议音。

    The MGC will monitor the fax negotiation tones sent between the local and remote MGs .

  28. 据熟悉商议内容的一名驻希腊分析师表示,IMF可能通过原计划的3年期贷款提供上述资金。

    The fund could make that sum available under a planned three-year loan , according to an Athens-based analyst familiar with the negotiations .

  29. 正在商议的重组计划还包括发行权证,让持有者有权在未来以相对当前股价存在折扣的价格购买aig股票。

    A plan being considered involves an offer of warrants giving the holders the right to buy AIG shares in the future at a discount to the current price .

  30. 他领导并与客户商议系统和软件工程的解决方案和开发过程策略,考虑整个开发生命周期和支持工具集,并且他还拥有Rational统一过程、需求开发和分析方面的专家经验。

    He leads and consults with clients on systems and software engineering solutions and development process strategies , considering the entire development life cycle and supporting toolsets , and he has expertise in the Rational Unified Process , as well as Requirements Development and Analysis .