
  • 网络commercial sponsorship
  1. 体育运动因受商业赞助而降低了声誉。

    Sport is being debased by commercial sponsorship .

  2. 各大学正从学术赞助转而寻求商业赞助。

    Universities are turning from academic to commercial sponsorship .

  3. 在北京拥有盘古大观物业的北京盘古氏投资有限公司(BeijingPanguInvestmentCo.)表示,公司于6月15日解除了与该影片的商业赞助,并对派拉蒙电影公司及其他中国本地公司以违约为由提起诉讼。

    Beijing Pangu Investment Co. , which owns a distinctive-looking , dragon-shaped hotel , office and mall complex in China 's capital city Beijing , said it ended its commercial sponsorship of the film on June 15 and is filing suit against Paramount and other local Chinese companies for breach of contract .

  4. 我国高校羽毛球赛事商业赞助的发展对策。

    In five , our country university badminton tournaments sponsored development countermeasure .

  5. 现代奥运会商业赞助特征的研究

    Feature of the Business Sponsor in Modern Olympic Games

  6. 影响我国高校羽毛球赛事商业赞助发展的因素分析。

    Four , affects our country university badminton tournaments sponsored development factor analysis .

  7. 企业对高校羽毛球赛事商业赞助的双赢分析。

    Two , enterprise of college badminton tournaments sponsored a win-win situation analysis .

  8. 构成奥运经济主体的电视转播权销售和商业赞助,在本质上是奥运会注意力资源的交易行为;

    TV relay right and the sport sponsorship which form the Olympic economy are the selling of attention resources in essentially .

  9. 商业赞助是现代足球的一部分,但这并代表我们可以为了钱将皇冠上的珠宝卖掉。

    Sponsorship is part of the modern game . This does not mean we have to sell off the crown jewels .

  10. 康体发展局一向积极争取商业赞助,以支持各体育总会的发展计划。

    The board has again been active in securing funds from the commercial sector in support of development programmes organised by the NSAs .

  11. 体育赛事营销最核心的需求是赢得赞助商青睐,获取商业赞助,这样才能有保障的将赛事运营下去。

    The core of sports game marketing is to win the commercial sponsor and support , then make sure the operation of games .

  12. 此次活动吸引了当地的商业赞助,组办方将举行一次捐款活动为雄狮俱乐部经营的当地慈善机构筹集资金。

    The event has attracted local business sponsorship and a collection will be held to raise funds for local charities run by the Lions Club .

  13. 奥运会原来是为业余运动员设立的,不需要商业赞助,现在已经成为了一个特别成功的商业工具。

    Set up originally as a competition for amateur athletes not needing commercial support , the Olympics have become a spectacularly successful vehicle for commercialism .

  14. 但在赛事的商务开发、商业赞助策略、无形资产的开发以及资金风险控制方面存在不足。

    However , deficiency existed in terms of the development of match related business affairs , commercial sponsoring strategy , intangible asset development , and capital risk control .

  15. 第三部分是结果与分析,主要包括以下几个方面:一、体育赞助的起源及高校羽毛球赛事商业赞助概念的界定。

    The third part is the result and analysis , mainly include the following aspects : first , the origin of sports sponsorship and college badminton tournaments sponsored concept .

  16. 2004年,全球品牌商的商业赞助费用达到378亿美元,其中至少有80%的费用被投入到体育赞助中。

    In 2004 , the expenditure of business sponsorship was amount to $ 37.8 billion , and at least 80 % of the amount was devoted to the sports sponsorship .

  17. 政府支持、社区组织、专业策划、商业赞助、媒体宣传、多方筹资、全民参与是全面建设小康社会进程中城市社区运动会的发展方向。

    Government-sustaining , community-organizing , professional-engineering , commerce-sponsoring , media-disseminating , mass-fundraising and civilian-participating community game is prefect style of city community game in the full-scale construction of the well to be Society .

  18. 最后一部分是对本研究存在的各种不足之处进行说明,并在我国体育赞助面临的发展契机下,对我国高校羽毛球赛事商业赞助的发展提出展望。

    The last part is the study of the presence of various defects were described , and in our sports sponsor facing development opportunity , to our country university badminton tournaments sponsored development of prospects .

  19. 在中国,退休人员成群结队地在公众场所大跳广场舞直至深夜,引发人们抗议噪音扰民,对此北京的一个高人气团体或许找到了解决办法――商业赞助。

    For the legions of dancing retirees in China whose late-night public gatherings have made them the target of noise complaints and worse , one popular Beijing group may have hit on the solution : corporate sponsorship .

  20. 该框架禁止在国际盛会中有烟草商业广告和赞助行为。

    The framework bans all tobacco commercials and sponsorship at international events .