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  • 网络product advertisement;product advertising;promo;Flier
  1. 广告有两种类型:商品广告与厂商整体形象广告。

    There are two types of advertising : product advertising and institutional advertising .

  2. 而Facebook却能根据这些信息将我们引导至可能需要的商品广告上,于是许多大公司纷纷将Facebook平台作为在网络上进行大规模品牌宣传活动的首选。

    This has made Facebook into the go-to advertising platform for big marketers hoping to do brand advertising at scale on the web .

  3. 松下电器产业公司(PanasonicCorp.)说,上海一家电视台本月早些时候停播了日本商品广告,还暂停了日本公司赞助的节目的播出。

    Panasonic Corp. 6752.TO - 3.36 % said that one TV station in Shanghai earlier this month stopped running commercials for Japanese wares and also suspended programs sponsored by Japanese companies .

  4. 丝绸出口商品广告的英译及其它

    Some Comments on English Translation of Silk Export Advertisments , ete

  5. 商品广告效果的显著性统计测度探讨

    The study of statistical Measure of Ad Effect on Expanding Commodity

  6. 略谈商品广告语言的修辞艺术

    A Brief Talk on Rhetoric Art of Commodity Advertisement Language

  7. 这种观点所揭示的只是“商品广告”的起源问题。

    This view merely reveals the origin of commodity advertisement .

  8. 《电视商品广告可信度研究》是关于中国“电视商品广告可信度”的实证研究。

    This is an empirical study on TV commodity advertising credibility of China .

  9. 商品广告中的女性形象与两性社会关系

    The Feminine Figures in Commercial Advertisements And the Social Relation of the Two Genders

  10. 试析汽车商品广告词的诉求点

    On Appealing Point of Advertising Claims of Cars

  11. 农村受众常常从电视媒体上获取较多的商品广告信息。

    Usually the rural audience obtained the more commodity information from the TV media .

  12. 在商品广告设计中,色彩起着十分重要的视感作用。

    The color plays an important role of the visual feelings in merchandise advertising designs .

  13. 向孩子示范如何评价电视、广播以及报纸上的商品广告。

    Show children how to evaluate TV , radio , and print ads for products .

  14. 那位电影明星被数家公司恳请为他们拍电视的商品广告。

    The movie actor was wooed by several companies to do TV commercials for them .

  15. 商品广告的文化渗透

    Culture Permeation in Commodity Advertisement Summary

  16. (四)标明专利权的商品广告,应当提交专利证书;

    For the advertisements which indicate patent rights of commodities , patent licences shall be presented ;

  17. 商品广告诉求中的情感因素

    Emotional Factors in Commercial Advertisement Persuasiveness

  18. 女性商品广告文案的语用分析

    Pragmatics Analysis on Female Commodity Advertisements

  19. 英语商品广告中的性诉求例证

    Sex Appeal in English Advertising

  20. 我国市场经济不断发展,对外经济交往迅速扩大,出口商品广告也已逐步发展成为企业促进出口销售、开拓海外市场的一个主要手段。

    Modern commercial advertisement has gradually been the main way of accelerating export and exploiting overseas market .

  21. 论商品广告的价值观

    ON Value of Commodity Advertisement

  22. 月份牌是被商家企业借用进行商品广告或促销的重要手段。

    Calendar Picture was an important means for advertisements or goods promotion that was used by enterprise .

  23. 除了配音,这里的演员还常常被邀去为墨西哥和阿根廷的商品广告录音。

    Besides dubbing , actors here are often called upon to record commercials for Mexican and Argentine products .

  24. 标明注册商标的商品广告,应当提交商标注册证;

    For the advertisements which indicate registered trademarks of commodities , certificates of trademark registration shall be presented ;

  25. 曾兼职从事商品广告、医药论文,网站建设等翻译。

    I have translated lots of advertisements , medical thesises and involved in website buildings as my part-time job .

  26. 加强商品广告色彩视觉上的认识,对促进广告色彩设计运用会有帮助作用。

    This helps to enhance the cognition of the advertising colors and to assist the manipulations among the graphic designs .

  27. 讨论了我国体育明星商品广告市场的现状和特征,分析存在的问题和风险;

    The present situation and properties of sports star advertising market are discussed , the problems and risk are analyzed .

  28. 基于这种消费决策心理,体育商品广告可以采用感性与理性两种基本的诉求方式。

    And based on such psychological index of consumption decision-making , two dominant sports advertisements persuasive ways correspond with them respectively .

  29. 由此可见,商品广告的存在是一个国家和地区经济发展、人民富裕的标志。

    Thus , the existence of commercial advertising is a national and regional economic development and the people 's well-off signs .

  30. 医学专业期刊在传播医学理论与技术的同时,也刊载了大量的医疗药品及器械的商品广告。

    While medical periodicals disseminate the medical theories and techniques , they publish a great lot of the advertisements about medicinal drugs and instruments .