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  1. 许多文化在庆祝生日和结婚时也会切蛋糕分给客人。

    Many cultures also celebrate birthdays and marriages with cakes that are cut and shared among the guests .

  2. 两人“偷偷办婚礼”的说法刚过去几天,双方的朋友康拉德就在社交媒体Instagram上分享了两人周天准备一起切蛋糕的照片。

    Days after it was reported that the pair were set to wed in a ' secret ceremony ' , their friend Conrad Carr took to Instagram to share a snapshot of the lovebirds preparing to cut a cake together on Sunday .

  3. 我用一把锋利的刀切蛋糕。

    Eg : I cut the cake with a sharp knife .

  4. 不能等切蛋糕完再致辞吗

    Can 't we wait till we cut the cake ?

  5. 切蛋糕之前应该先许个愿。

    You have to make a wish before you cut the cake .

  6. 切蛋糕后,理查的吐司使我深受感动。

    Rich 's toast after the cake-cutting moved me deeply .

  7. 该切蛋糕了

    Well , it 's time to cut the cake .

  8. 我们马上要切蛋糕了。

    We 're going to cut the cake soon .

  9. 小姑娘正在切蛋糕。

    The little girl was slicing through the cake .

  10. 第一个切蛋糕的人是生日的男孩。

    The first one to cut into the cake was the Birthday Boy .

  11. 在那之后,丽莎切蛋糕并且给每一个一个。

    After that , Lisa cuts the cake and gives each one a piece .

  12. 贝洛斯说,在一个多世纪以前,就已经有一个更妙的切蛋糕的方法。

    A better way , Bellos says , has existed for more than a century .

  13. 寿星一般要切蛋糕的第一刀,除非是太小父母才可以代劳。

    General oldest cake to the first knife is too small unless parents can do .

  14. 那家伙连切蛋糕都手忙脚乱!

    That fuss about cutting a cake !

  15. 快去餐厅吧.我们就要开始切蛋糕了。

    Come into the dining room . We 're going to cut the cake soon .

  16. 和妈妈及哥哥切蛋糕。

    Cake cutting with mum and bro .

  17. 来餐厅吧,我马上就切蛋糕了。

    Come into the dining room . I 'm going to cut the cake soon .

  18. 好了,我希望有人赶紧切蛋糕我都饿了。我也饿了。

    Well , I hope someone cuts the cake soon . I 'm hungry.So am I.

  19. 切蛋糕-来吧!

    Cut the cake-let 's go !

  20. “当代灰姑娘”说新婚夫妇切蛋糕的方式是最有用的预兆。

    Modern Day Cinderella says that how a couple cut the cake is a big tell-tale sign .

  21. 另外我还安排了舞会和切蛋糕等活动,相信你一定会玩得很开心。

    There are also arrangements for dancing and cake-cutting , which I am sure you will thoroughly enjoy .

  22. 表弟迈克走过来告诉妹妹该切蛋糕了。

    My cousin Mike walked over and told my sister that it was time to cut the cake .

  23. 在笑声中大家摄影留念,之后内森吹灭了生日蜡烛,开始切蛋糕。

    After much laughter and photo taking , Nathan blew out his birthday candles and began serving the cake .

  24. 我打简讯会用右手,但切蛋糕时则用左手

    I text with my right hand . I cut , right ? I cut cake with my left hand .

  25. 我转身向婚礼现场走去,希望没错过切蛋糕的场面。

    I turned and headed back to the hall , hoping I didn 't miss the cutting of the cake .

  26. 你已经过了好几次生日了,所以你觉得你很懂怎么切蛋糕,对吗?

    You 've had your share of birthdays so you know perfectly well how to cut a cake , right ?

  27. 像个没穿衣服的骑士,是吧.即便现在我仍可以像切蛋糕一样把你们五个通通砍倒!

    A naked Knight , apparently . Even now I could cut through the five of you like carving a cake !

  28. 精明的许可证发放条款应保证这一标准不被像切蛋糕似的分成碎块,保证公司仍有钱可赚。

    Clever licensing terms are supposed to ensure that this standard does not splinter and that the firm still makes money .

  29. 折中方案:就好比是切蛋糕的艺术,让每个人都觉得自己得到了最大的一块。

    Compromise : The art of dividing a cake in such a way that everybody believes he got the biggest piece .

  30. 黛拉:哦,詹姆斯,你会介意吗?菲力克斯还在忙,我们开始切蛋糕。

    Della leiter : oh , james , would you mind ? Felix is still in the study and we 've got to cut this cake .