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yí yán
  • last words;last testament;words of the deceased;teachings of men of virtue
遗言 [yí yán]
  • (1) [words of the deceased]∶死者生前留下来的话;遗嘱

  • 忠烈遗言。--清. 全祖望《梅花岭记》

  • (2) [teachings of men of virtue]∶指前贤的遗训

遗言[yí yán]
  1. 他最后的遗言依然在我的耳边不绝如缕。

    His last words is still ringing in my ears .

  2. 山姆的生命即将走到尽头,他的子女们都站在床边等着听父亲的遗言。

    Sam was near the end of his long life . His children stood by the bed , and they were waiting to hear his last words .

  3. 据说,他的临终遗言是这么说的:“用FrenchFries做头条标题怎么样?”

    It is said that his final words were “ How ’ s this for headline ? French Fries ” .

  4. 那位女生在自己的自杀遗言中写到,我无法在这样拘束的家庭中呆下去了,因为没有Facebook我就没法生活。

    The teen wrote in her suicide note . I cannot stay in a home with such restrictions as I can 't live without Facebook .

  5. 甚至连法律也尊重垂死之人的遗言,容许它们作为传闻证据禁用规则(hearsayrules)外的特例被接纳为证据。

    Even the law reveres a dying person 's final words , allowing them to be admitted as evidence in an unusual exception to hearsay rules .

  6. Sheldon你是怎么了,需要我引述Spock的遗言给你听吗?

    Leonard : Sheldon , what , do I need to quote Spock 's dying words to you ?

  7. 本软件是检测您的QQ如果在1个月内都没上线记录,会认为你已经挂掉了,这样,我会将你的遗言发送到指定邮箱里。

    If your line QQ supreme record in a month , I would think you had died , In this way , I will send an email to your mailbox .

  8. 乔伊丝去世时,麦昆的哥哥托尼(Tony)在她的床边。他回忆说,第二天他接到麦昆的电话,询问母亲的遗言。

    His brother , Tony , who had been at her bedside when she died , recalled getting a phone call from McQueen the next day , asking what their mother had said in her final moments .

  9. 遗言中她说跟某人“一刀两断”了。

    She was breaking up with someone on that last message .

  10. 这算是你的遗言了,快做祷告吧。

    These are your last words so make them a prayer .

  11. 你要你的遗言充满仇恨?

    You want your last words to be words of hatred ?

  12. 他的临终遗言就是“种姓强韧.”

    His last words were " the seed is strong . "

  13. 耶莎蔓,你有没有遗言?

    Selma jezkova , do you have any last words ?

  14. 她最后的遗嘱和遗言,不如说她临终时所作的安排

    Her last will and testament , or rather her mortis causa settlement

  15. 这是他最后的遗言。他死在了我的船舱。

    Those were his last words . He died in my cabin .

  16. 以下是20位名人的临终遗言。

    This is a list of 20 last words by famous people 。

  17. 他的遗言是:“我的工作完成了”。

    His final words were : " My work is done . "

  18. 请留遗言。

    Please leave ( get out ) your last words .

  19. 人们会诵读耶稣临终遗言。

    Part of this is the reciting of Jesus'final words .

  20. 父亲的遗言萦绕在他脑际。

    His father 's last words clung to his memory .

  21. 我想与你们和你们的家人一同分享这难忘的临终遗言。

    I want to share that letter with you and your families .

  22. 但接着我看到了血和遗言。

    But then I saw blood * And the note .

  23. 我正在想合适的临终遗言。

    Just trying to think of some appropriate last words .

  24. 爱德华王子:奇怪的遗言。

    Prince Edward : What 's not to like ?

  25. 我想你可能要说著名的临终遗言了。

    Expect you 'd want to say your famous last words right now .

  26. 这通电话是我的遗言。

    This phone call , it 's my note .

  27. 你是怎么知道索尼埃遗言的?

    How could you know sauniere 's last words ?

  28. 我铭记父亲的遗言。

    I treasure up my father 's dying words .

  29. 他肯定很想听听他兄弟的临终遗言。

    I 'm sure he 'd love to know his brother 's last words .

  30. 他的遗言中所说的有些道理。

    It means something in his last words .