
yí zhì
  • behest;unfulfilled wish;work bequeathed by the deceased
遗志 [yí zhì]
  • [unfulfilled wish] 死者生前未能实现的志愿

  • 先烈遗志。--孙文《黄花冈七十二烈士事略.序》

遗志[yí zhì]
  1. 我们的先人指示我们,叫我们完成他们的遗志。

    Our forefathers enjoined us to carry out their unfulfilled will .

  2. 他想让我们继续他的遗志。

    He wants us to pick up where he left off .

  3. 我们永远不会忘记你们。我们将继承你们的遗志。

    We will never forget you & we will carry on your work .

  4. 一片是斯皮尔博格继承传奇导演斯坦利·库布里克的遗志拍摄的。

    Spielberg took the film on following the death of legendary director Stanley Kubrick .

  5. 他继承了乃父的遗志,惟其步态似乎有些摇晃不定。

    He followed in his father 's footsteps , but his gait is somewhat erratic .

  6. 我们应该继承他的遗志,我们不该这么做。

    We should be honoring the man 's memory , we shouldn 't be doing this .

  7. 到了现代社会,还是有为数不少的中国男人继承着老祖宗的“遗志”。

    In modern society , still there are great number of Chinese men follow their forefathers .

  8. 今天已经有很多人接过他的接力棒,包括他的遗孀苏瓦提也继承他的遗志并继续着他的未竟事业。

    So many today , including his widow Suciwati , serve his memory by carrying on his mission .

  9. 不过,贝克的集会并不是声称继承马丁.路德.金遗志的唯一集会。

    But Beck 's rally was not the only one laying claim to the Martin Luther King Jr. legacy .

  10. 这是我的生平愿望,愿上帝赐福于我,使它也成为我临终时的遗志吧。

    It is my living sentiment , and , by the blessing of God , it shall be my dying sentiment ;

  11. 神庙的遗志址在1869年被发现,在那里可以看到一些重建的史前古器物和雕刻品现。

    The temple 's location was rediscovered in1869 , and several artifacts and sculptures from the reconstructed temple can be seen there today .

  12. 如果明天卫生大会确认我的提名,我将继承李博士及其前任者的遗志。

    If my nomination is confirmed by the Health Assembly tomorrow , I intend to take the legacy of Dr Lee and his predecessors forward .

  13. 一名叫萨拿姆.佐勒菲卡尔汗的选民说,对她来说,布托女士遇刺是一个个人悲剧,而这位前总理所领导的政党继承了她的遗志。

    Sanam Zulfiqar Khan says Ms. Bhutto 's assassination was a personal tragedy for her , but the former prime minister 's ideals live on through her party .

  14. 为了继承前第一夫人的遗志,任何方式都不如我们全国上下共同努力更能表达我们对她的尊重。

    And I can think of no better way to honor our former First Lady 's legacy than by working together , as one nation , toward that goal .

  15. 这真是一个充满讽刺意味的扭曲,看起来索利德斯内克继承了这个他从不认识的女人的遗志,而这个女人恰恰对他的敌人们产生了极为深远的影响。

    In an ironic twist , Solid Snake seems to have taken on the will of a woman that he never even know about who happened to have had a profound influence on his enemies .

  16. 此种具有宗教意味的解读法认为,司马迁谨尊其先父“续吾祖”的遗志,将与父亲共同收集的史料编纂成书以尽孝道。

    By the religious reading , Sima Qian fulfilled some part of his filial obligations when he honored his father 's dying wish to " continue our ancestors " by bringing together the tales they had gathered .

  17. 蒋介石继承国父的遗志,并创造性提出以土地为杠杆,一举解决土地集中、资本匮乏、工业化资本来源三项难题,以实现中国农业大国工业化的转变。

    Chiang Kai-shek behest of succession of Sun Yat-sen , And creatively put forward the " land " as a lever to the solution of " Land concentration ", " lack of capital ", " sources of Industrial capital " . In order to achieve the changes in Chinese industrialization .