
yí yuàn
  • last wish;bucket list;behest;unfulfilled wish of the deceased
遗愿 [yí yuàn]
  • [unfulfilled wish of the deceased;last wish] 死者生前没有实现的愿望

  • 这是周总理的遗愿

遗愿[yí yuàn]
  1. 我们会实现他的遗愿。

    We will grant his last wish .

  2. 遗愿:他死后头被割下来,然后把头发分给他的朋友。

    Last Wish : That his head be shaved and the hair divided up amongst his friends .

  3. 她不得不去实现她母亲的临终遗愿。

    She was compelled to fulfil the dying wishes of her mother .

  4. 他的遗愿是把他安葬在家乡萨默塞特郡附近的教堂里。

    His dying wish was to be laid to rest at the church near his Somerset home .

  5. 根据她的遗愿,她被埋葬在法国。

    In accordance with her wishes , she was buried in france .

  6. 遗愿清单并不都是高空跳伞和蹦极之类的活动。

    Bucket lists aren 't all about skydiving and bungee jumping .

  7. 遗愿清单反应了我们独特的梦想和愿望,因此非常个人化。同时,这样的清单也很有激励作用:这些清单让我们想起自己想要完成的目标和自己在就木之前想要引以为傲的一些特质。

    Bucket lists reflect our unique dreams and desires , which makes them deeply personal .

  8. 从我们所做的事情(我们想要经历的)和我们想要成为的样子这方面来看,遗愿清单并不仅仅有利于我们的个人成长,对我们的恋爱关系也有所裨益。

    They 're also inspirational : They remind us of what we want to accomplish and of the qualities we hope to honor more fully to our personal growth . They also benefit our romantic relationships .

  9. 遗愿清单包括很多简单的愿望,比如带三岁的孙子到别墅公园去玩;到爱尔兰的K俱乐部打高尔夫。

    The list included simple ambitions like taking his three-year-old grandson to Villa Park and also playing golf at The K Club , in Ireland .

  10. 我有一份遗愿清单Ellen在里面我甚至告诉大家总有一天我会见到Ellen

    I have a bucket list and Ellen 's on it and I even telling everyone that someday I 'm gonna meet her

  11. 雅罗斯瓦夫·卡钦斯基(JaroslawKaczynski)试图说服投票人,作为总统,他将继承已故弟弟的遗愿。

    Jaroslaw Kaczynski has been trying to voters that , as president , he would carry on his late brother 's legacy .

  12. 很显然他的遗愿就是希望我们两个见面。

    Apparently , it was his dying wish that we meet .

  13. 这一定是我们失去的那些人的遗愿。

    That must be the legacy of those we have lost .

  14. 但请您告诉我们,为什么您要立下这些奇怪的遗愿呢?

    But tell us why do you make such strange wishes ?

  15. 她的遗愿就是要我们继续下去?

    And her dying wish was for us to hook up ?

  16. 根据他的遗愿,把他埋到了教堂外面。

    According to his wishes Swithin was buried outside the cathedral .

  17. 嗨,嗨,你有什么遗愿么?

    Hey , hey , do you have a death wish ?

  18. 也许他的遗愿是“只要干洗”

    Or maybe his dying wish was " dry clean only . "

  19. 你能让全罗马知道凯撒的遗愿。

    You can let Rome know the will of caesar .

  20. 死去的姑妈的遗愿;一个不复存在的印度部落。

    The will of a defunct aunt ; a defunct Indian tribe .

  21. 因为她遗愿是别人吻她。

    Because her dying wish was for one last kiss .

  22. 你坚决要实现阿曼达的遗愿

    you were hell-bent on carrying out Amanda 's wishes .

  23. 就是这是他姐姐的遗愿

    It was his sister 's desire that he do so

  24. 到头来,一些小小的细节就有可能造成遗嘱失效,或使你的遗愿无法实现。

    Small details can end up invalidating wills or leaving your wishes unfulfilled .

  25. 你看过“遗愿清单”这部电影吗?

    Did you see the movie " Bucket List "?

  26. 他知道什么是死和遗愿?

    What does he know about death and wills ?

  27. 我只是遵照你父亲的遗愿

    I was only honoring your father 's wishes .

  28. 但我们得好好活着,这才对于他们遗愿的尊重

    but we pledge to honor them by living as they would have wished

  29. 这是他的遗愿和遗嘱。

    This is his last will and testament .

  30. 遗愿清单的第一项就是为青少年癌症信托机构筹款100万英镑。

    Top of his list was to raise 1,000,000 for the Teenage Cancer Trust .