
liú xiào chá kàn
  • be kept in school but placed under surveillance
留校察看[liú xiào chá kàn]
  1. 你的成绩单上若出现“PROB”字样表示你已被留校察看。

    The letters " PROB " appearing on your grade report indicate that you have been placed on academic probation .

  2. 不过我正在被留校察看。

    I 'm sort of on academic probation though .

  3. 吉姆:我们已经被留校察看一个半小时了耶。

    Jim : We 've been in detention for an hour and a half now .

  4. 留校察看六个月

    Six months academic probation . Wow .

  5. 违反守则的学生会受到留校察看的处分,多次违反则会被退学。

    Students who violate these rules can receive detention-or , after multiple violations , be suspended from school entirely .

  6. 尽管如此,本研究发现这两组教师对学生的开除及留校察看的处分情况大致相同。

    Even so , the study found that the two groups of teachers had similar rates of student expulsions and suspensions .

  7. 为了去拉拉队练习,我在上高等代数课时逃课,差点没留校察看,有位咨询顾问对我说你要上大学的梦想希望渺茫。

    I skipped advanced algebra for practice and nearly landed in suspension , and our drunk of a counselor told me my college prospects were few .

  8. 比如,委员会会除以留校察看或直接开除,也可能是要求接受一个酒精教育课程或给予一个警告。

    For example , the committee might suspend or expel a student . It might require an alcohol education program . Or it might just give a warning .

  9. 很快这个网站的流量剧增,导致哈佛大学的部分校园网络瘫痪。马克因此受罚留校察看六个月,同时在校内大多数女生社团中声名狼藉。

    Mark is punished with six months of academic probation after the traffic to the site crashes parts of Harvard 's network , and becomes vilified among most of Harvard 's female community .

  10. 据《纽约邮报》报道:去年,纽约斯塔顿岛一所学校在两周内施行了200次违反着装守则的留校察看,其中90%的被处分者为女性。

    The New York Post reported that , last year , one school in Staten Island , New York , handed out 200 dress code detentions in two weeks-90 percent of which went to female students .