
liú liàn
  • be reluctant to leave;can't bear to part;be reluctant to leave(a place);can't bear to part from sb.;recall with nostalgia;think of all the time;hanker after
留恋 [liú liàn]
  • (1) [be reluctant to leave(a place); can't bear to part from sb.]∶舍不得离开或舍弃

  • 临毕业时,同学们对学校都十分留恋

  • (2) [recall with nostalgia;think of all the time;hanker after]∶对往日、往事的怀念

  • 留恋过去

留恋[liú liàn]
  1. 很多人都很留恋过去的好时光。

    Many people were nostalgic for the good old days

  2. 这里没有什么让我们留恋的,对吧?——我想没有。

    There 's nothing to keep us here , is there ? — I suppose not .

  3. 只有懒汉庸才才会留恋那大锅饭的年代。

    Only lazybones and mediocre persons could hanker after the days of messing together .

  4. 临毕业时,同学们对母校都十分留恋。

    As their graduation day drew near , the students felt reluctant to leave their school .

  5. 为什么留恋一个不爱你的人?

    Why would you want to be with someonewho doesn 't love you ?

  6. 小王子没有勇气承认的是:他留恋这颗令人赞美的星星,特别是因为在那里每二十四小时就有一千四百四十次日落!

    What the little prince did not dare confess was that he was sorry most of all to leave this planet , because it was blest every day with 1440 sunsets !

  7. 对现代观众而言,这很大程度上是因为《钢铁侠》(IronMan)职员名单后面的“思丁格”——回报观众留恋徘徊的额外镜头。

    For modern audiences , that is largely due to Iron Man 's post-credits " stinger , " which is an extra scene that rewards fans for sticking around .

  8. 托尼·本内特(TonyBennett)并不是唯一留恋旧金山(SanFrancisco)的人。

    Tony Bennett isn 't the only one who left his heart in San Francisco .

  9. 培养力量,不留恋过去。

    Develop the power of not looking back into your past .

  10. 没有对家乡的思念,只有对异乡的留恋。

    No missing to the hometown but to the foreign ones .

  11. 拉尔夫勉强地转过身来,还留恋着既光彩夺目又令人畏惧的景象。

    Unwillingly Ralph turned away from the splendid , awful sight .

  12. 有太多美好的东西值得留恋。

    Lila Culpepper : There 's too much beauty to quit .

  13. 尽管留恋过去,但人们仍然觉得那些有远见的人应得到相应的报酬。

    Despite the past , people believe in rewarding the forward-minded .

  14. 你觉得世上没什么要你留恋的了吗

    You think you don 't have anything to live for ?

  15. 就算最后一刻,也不会留恋这个世界。

    Even the very last moment , the world will not nostalgia .

  16. 我一向是不愿外出旅行的人,留恋熟悉的环境。

    I am always an unwilling traveler , homesick for familiar surroundings .

  17. 脾肾阳虚,湿热留恋三型较为多见。

    Deficiency of spleen and kidney yang , dampness and heat retention .

  18. 我对这地方毫无留恋,快走吧。

    I have no love for this place . let 's go .

  19. 逝去时光,的确值得留恋。

    That passing days are worth recalling are definitely true .

  20. 念及物华天宝,斯世足堪留恋

    Worshiping beautiful things , the world is full of nostalgia

  21. 因为,我依然留恋。

    Because , I am reluctant to leave as before .

  22. 走了就是走了,留恋有些、怀念有些。

    Gone is gone , some nostalgia , miss some .

  23. 或许是寂寞锁住了春心,又或者是留恋。

    May be locked lonely heart of the spring , or is nostalgia .

  24. 这儿没什么可留恋的了…..

    Nothing left to love here anymore . So ....

  25. 这地方太美了,令我留恋返。

    It 's such a beautiful place that I wouldn 't come back .

  26. 是夜半无眠的思念让我们更觉留恋。

    Is midnight non-dormancy missing lets us sense be reluctant to part with .

  27. 我真想回到威尼斯去,他留恋地说道。

    I would love to go back to venice , he said wistfully .

  28. 我明白你为什么觉得这里没什么留恋的了。

    I can see why you believe that you have nothing left here .

  29. 你该毫不留恋地辞职。

    You should do the honorable thing and resign .

  30. 有时候有时候我会选择留恋不放手。

    Sometimes , I will be recalled with nostalgia and never give up .