
  1. 孙中山是开放的国际化革命先行者。

    Sun Zhongshan was an open internationalized revolutionary forerunner .

  2. 另一栋博物馆展出“革命先行者”的事迹。

    Another museum that showcased the life on the " Forerunner of the Revolution " .

  3. 中国革命先行者的艰辛探索,用事实证明资本主义的道路在中国行不通;

    The fact has proved that it 's impossible for China to be a capitalist country by the hard exploration of forerunners in China 's revolution .

  4. 德意志第一帝国并不是工业革命的先行者,但却是社会保障制度的首创者。

    The Deutsch Empire I was not the pioneer of the Industrial Revolution , but it was the origin of the social insurance system .

  5. 这一点,中国革命的先行者孙中山先生是理解的,他确定了联合苏联反对帝国主义的政策。

    This point was understood by Dr. Sun Yat-sen , forerunner of the Chinese revolution , who established the policy of alliance with the Soviet Union against imperialism .

  6. 作为中国革命的先行者和中国近代化的先驱,孙中山具有忧患的品格、忧患的情怀,并使古代知识分子的忧患意识升华到了一个新的境界。

    As a revolutionary forerunner and pioneer of modernization in China , Sun Yat-sen , demonstrated the consciousness of anxiety which elevated the consciousness of ancient intellectuals to a new stage .