
  1. 革命历史题材文学创作审美倾向的变迁

    Change of Aesthetic Preference in Contemporary Literature of Chinese Revolutionary History

  2. 17年革命历史题材小说中的神话思维

    Mythological Thought in 17 - year Historical Novels of Revolution

  3. 苏俄革命历史题材戏剧文本被看作承载着过去的记忆。

    The Soviet Russian revolution historical tales are regarded as the memory of history .

  4. 革命历史题材影视创作的重大突破

    The Significant Breakthrough of the Production of TV Works on the Theme of Revolution History

  5. 十七年革命历史题材文学的阅读期待与叙事策略

    Anticipation of reading and narrative tactic of the literature of 17 years ' revolution historical theme

  6. 新时期重大革命历史题材电影创作潮流论析

    On the Trends of Film Production in the Last Two Decades on the Important Revolutionary-historical Events

  7. 史诗风格的壮美浪漫和纪实风格的客观冷静常常交融在一起,使新世纪革命历史题材电影呈现出独特的美学面貌。

    The two styles are often mixed in the films , which makes the films have special aesthetic features .

  8. 第二章论述十七年革命历史题材儿童小说的人物模式。

    The second chapter elaborates the character pattern of the " 17 years " revolutionary history theme child novel .

  9. 在艺术风格方面,史诗风格和纪实风格成为新世纪革命历史题材电影的两种主要风格。

    Epic style and documentary style are the two main styles of films on revolutionary history of the new century .

  10. 拨层层淤泥,赏清莲小荷&对现今影视作品鉴赏的几点看法革命历史题材影视创作的重大突破

    Views on Appreciating Films and TV works The Significant Breakthrough of the Production of TV Works on the Theme of Revolution History

  11. 革命历史题材、特别是重大革命历史题材的影视作品的数量和规模都发展迅速。

    The video works on revolutionary history theme , especially those on grand theme have been advancing rapidly in number and scale . b.

  12. 第四部分通过对创作活动的梳理,进而延伸至对革命历史题材美术创作的模式进行总体归纳。

    In the fourth part , through sorting creative activities , the overall mode and patterns of art creation on revolutionary and historical theme is summarized .

  13. 革命历史题材影像表达的新坐标&解读红色青春偶像剧《恰同学少年》

    The New Coordinates of Video Representation for the Themes of Revolutionary History & Decodes the Red Youth Idol Script " Just When We Were Young Pioneers ";

  14. 此外,风景描写也以固定的模式参与到十七年革命历史题材儿童小说的情节设置中。

    In addition , the scenery description also participated into the plot establishment of the " 17 years " revolutionary history theme child novel with the fixed pattern .

  15. 十七年的文学创作多以革命历史题材和社会主义建设为主要内容,表现人民当家作主的自豪和喜悦。

    The theme of the seventeen years'literature is mainly about the revolution and construction , show the people 's pride and joyous , which come from managing affairs .

  16. 革命历史题材文学创作,在当代文学的整体格局中占有举足轻重的位置,已构成一种独特的文学现象和文化现象。

    Literature on the historical and revolutionary theme takes a remarkable place in the whole pattern of Chinese contemporary works , which has formed two unique literary and cultural phenomena .

  17. 而中国国家博物馆在革命历史题材美术的创作组织、征集、收藏、保护、研究方面一直发挥着重要作用。

    National Museum of China has always been playing an important role in the creative organization , collection , protection , research of the art works on revolutionary and historical theme .

  18. 新时期以来,由于社会生活和时代风尚的巨大变迁,过去产生的革命历史题材小说虽然具有珍贵的文学史价值,但是一些作品与当代读者之间的隔膜是客观存在的。

    Although the historical novel of revolution is invaluable in the history of literature , there do be a gap between some of them and contemporary as the social life having greatly changed .

  19. 革命历史题材小说的创作,一直在中国当代小说史中占有极其重要的位置,也曾铸就五六十年代该类题材长篇小说创作的辉煌。

    Novels on China 's history of revolution has been an prominent part in China 's contemporary history of novel writing and novels in this category distinguished themselves in the 50 's and 60 's.

  20. 红色青春偶像剧《恰同学少年》取得了良好的社会反响,它最大的亮点是将革命历史题材的宏大叙事与青春偶像剧清新唯美的艺术形式进行了成功结合。

    The red youth idol drama Just when We Peers Were Young has gained a warm response from the market due to the successful combination of grand narrative of revolutionary history theme and fresh aesthetic .

  21. 自新中国诞生之初至今的半个多世纪里,革命历史题材电影作为主旋律电影的主力军,得到了长足的发展并取得了丰硕的成果。

    From the early time of the new China up to the present , as the main force of the main-melody movies , films on revolutionary history have greatly developed and have achieved plentiful fruits .

  22. 新世纪以来,中国社会进入了全面转型时期。随着电影产业化脚步的加快,为了提高产业效益,革命历史题材电影在美学上也发生了相应的变化。

    Since the beginning of the new century , China has been stepping into the period of comprehensive social transformation . With the further process of movie industrialization , films on revolutionary history change on film aesthetics .

  23. 以革命历史为题材的红色经典小说,塑造了一个崭新的人物序列&红色兵。

    Red classic fiction , the theme of the historical revolution , shaping a " new " sequence of characters-the " red soldiers " .

  24. 革命叙事的背后&试析十七年革命历史题材长篇小说中的边缘话语

    Behind the Revolutionary Narrative Novel & Analysis of Border Line in Revolutionary Historical Novel during the Seventeen Years