
zhuī dào
  • Mourning;mourn over a person's death;mourn over a persons death
追悼 [zhuī dào]
  • [mourn over a persons death] 对于死者的追念哀思

追悼[zhuī dào]
  1. 这不是在开追悼会,而是在颂扬他的一生。

    This was not a memorial service but a celebration of his life

  2. 她的追悼会正在圣保罗教堂举行。

    A memorial service is being held for her at St Paul 's Church .

  3. 追悼会会场庄严肃穆。

    The mourning hall was filled with a solemn silence .

  4. 那天的追悼会上,他为敬爱的老师致了哀辞。

    He gave a speech during his teacher 's funeral .

  5. 前总统乔治·W·布什(GeorgeW.Bush)也在追悼仪式上发表了讲话。

    Former President George W. Bush spoke earlier at the memorial .

  6. 之后,将在StaplesCenter举行公共追悼会,届时将有11000张锡伟免费提供给大众。

    And a short time later a public memorial service at the Staples Center . 11000 seats will be made available free to the public .

  7. 周日晚上,伊利诺斯州Maryville的居民为牧师FredWinters举行了追悼会。

    Parishioners in Maryville , Illinois , attended a memorial service Sunday evening for Pastor Fred Winters .

  8. 上千名民众聚集在麻省理工学院的BriggsField参加追悼仪式,副总统乔·拜登也出席了仪式,并向失去所爱之人的殉职警察一家表达了感恩之情。

    Thousands of people gathered at MIT 's Briggs Field , among them , Vice President Joe Biden who also extended his gratitude to all families who lost loved ones in the line of duty .

  9. 周三晚上,奥巴马总统在追悼会上为所有遇难者发表讲话。他说,希望美国能够变成像Christina所憧憬的那么好。

    Speaking at a memorial service for all of them on Wednesday night , President Obama said he wanted America to be as good as Christina envisioned it .

  10. 同时,据NPR新闻的大卫·斯哈珀报道,波士顿人民举行礼拜仪式及追悼会,纪念上周那场悲剧中的受害者。

    Meanwhile , NPR 's David Schaper reports that the people of Boston are remembering the victims of last week 's tragic events in church services and memorials .

  11. 追悼会由马沙利斯带领他的乐队演奏着《他到处游逛》(Didn’tHeRamble)走出演奏大厅而收场。穆瑞的一生完全配得上这个爵士味十足的追悼会。

    And , in the jazz-funeral style Murray deserved , Marsalis ended the memorial by marching his band out of the auditorium playing " Didn 't He Ramble . "

  12. 南非聋人团体成员称,纳尔逊&12539;曼德拉(NelsonMandela)通过电视直播的追悼会上的手语翻译自创手语手势,让其无法理解这位刚去世的政治家的追悼会上到底发生了什么。

    Members of South Africa 's deaf community have accused a sign-language interpreter at Nelson Mandela 's televised memorial of making up his hand gestures , rendering the service for the late statesman all but incomprehensible .

  13. 对约翰内斯堡FNB球场内数以千计的曼德拉追悼者来说,这场世纪葬礼的确是对曼德拉这位历史巨人最好的致敬。

    For the thousands of mourners inside Johannesburg 's FNB Stadium it was meant to be a fitting tribute to a ' giant of history ' .

  14. 土耳其外交部长和挪威许多悼念者一起追悼在挪威两起袭击中遇难的土耳其裔女孩GizemDogan。

    The Turkish foreign minister has joined mourners in Norway to pay tribute to Gizem Dogan , a young girl of Turkish origin who was one of those killed in Norway 's twin attacks .

  15. 现在只有国家元首逝世才举行正式追悼仪式。

    Today formal mourning is only observed for heads of state .

  16. 我猜她是想自己追悼

    I guess she wanted to keep this memorial for herself .

  17. 我们在室外举行了追悼会。

    In the open air , we held a memorial meeting .

  18. 家属追悼祖父两个礼拜。

    The family mourned for the grandfather for two weeks .

  19. 好几位国际知名人士出席了这位政治家的追悼仪式。

    Several international celebrities were present at the statesman 's memorial service .

  20. 成千上万的人参加了在市政厅为他举办的为期两天的追悼会。

    Thousands attended his two-day wake in the lobby of City Hall .

  21. 我们带米彻去看看他追悼会的地方吧。

    Let 's show Mitch the site of his memorial .

  22. 我已经死了,你将为我追悼。突然想到这么一句话。

    I have already died , you will feel grieved for me .

  23. 你在追悼会上碰到的那个男孩。

    This kid that you saw at this memorial service .

  24. 为牺牲的士兵们举行追悼仪式。

    A memorial service was held for the dead soldiers .

  25. 现在有一个本·拉登同志的追悼会。

    Now have a memorial ceremony for Comrade Bin Laden .

  26. 我们班为她举行了一个小型的追悼会。

    Our class held a small memorial meeting for her .

  27. 多希望追悼会我在场

    Yeah . I wish I 'd been there at his memorial .

  28. 这些追悼仪式是纪念灾难发生100周年的。

    The memorial ceremonies marked the100th anniversary of the disaster .

  29. 关于追悼权应否受到法律保护的看法

    Whether the right of mourning should be protected by law

  30. 你们也无须被迫去参加我的追悼会

    don 't feel an obligation to attend my memorial .