
  1. 获得Jazz平台的概述说明。

    Get an overview of the Jazz platform .

  2. 首先是绪论,主要是对研究背景、价值、方法及有关文献做了概述说明。

    The preface contains the main research background , values , methods , and brief statement of available literature .

  3. 文章第一部分是概述,说明问题提出的原因,以及文献综述。

    The first section of the paper is literature summary .

  4. 对色彩管理对印刷的作用进行概述,说明进行色彩管理的必要性。

    Take an overview of the role of color management to indicate the need for color management .

  5. 本文将图象分割并采用小波变换的算法,因此还讨论小波变换概述且说明与其他变换编码相比的优势。

    Dissertation uses Wavelet transform based algorithm to select Multi-block hence Wavelet transform overview , its advantage to the other transform coding are also discussed .

  6. 本文共分四章,首先在第一章的绪论部分对山东汉画像石的发现及构图分类、研究思路和方法做了概述和说明。

    In the first chapter of the introduction in the part of shandong stone found , composition classification , thoughts and methods , briefed and instructions .

  7. 第二部分对作品角色进行概述,说明作品角色的构成要素、分类、利用类型和权利人。

    The second part introduces the character of the works , explains the type of use and obligee , the composing factor and the classification of the character of works .

  8. 第一段,主要是概述,说明现在博物馆大多免费开放,还引发了一系列的问题。

    Nowadays , a lot of museums open to the public for free , and a lot of people are attracted to go there . However , it also brought some unexpected problems .

  9. 在对相关文献回顾的基础上,对大股东的利益侵害和资金占用进行了概述,说明了现阶段我国上市公司大股东资金占用行为的特点和原因。

    On the basis that reviewed to relevant literature , the study summarized tunneling and capital occupying of major shareholders , showed the characteristic and reason of the major shareholders ' behavior at the present stage .

  10. 第一章为清代契约概述,说明契约的历史发展及清代契约的形式特征,为下文的进一步具体分析作铺垫。

    Chapter 1 is general state about contract of Qing dynasty , explain " contract " historical development as well as the form feature of contract in Qing dynasty , to make shop pad for the further analysis specifically .

  11. 第四章是威海市英租时期建筑遗产价值的构成,通过运用实例论证、对比分析、图表概述等说明方法,建立一套对威海市英租时期建筑遗产具有现实指导意义和理论价值的体系。

    The fourth chapter is Weihai English architectural heritage values hire period constituted demonstrated through the use of examples , comparative analysis , charts , and other descriptive overview of methods to establish a period for rent Weihai English architectural heritage of practical significance and theoretical value system .

  12. 本系列的第一篇文章对SIBus进行了概述,并说明了将其与Web服务基础设施一起使用时带来的好处。

    The first article in this series provided an overview of the SIBus , and the benefits it offers when tying together a web services infrastructure .

  13. 俄罗斯对外政策概述暨课程说明。

    Introduction to the post-Soviet Russia 's foreign policy .

  14. 本文运用综合概述、举例说明、系统分析,然后进行归纳总结,最后得出结论的方法。

    In this paper , we use comprehensive overviews , citations , system analyses and then proceed to summarize .

  15. 本命题的成立立足于当前大学生资助工作育人的现状分析,以及关于此问题的相关理论概述,主要说明研究大学生资助工作育人功能的理论基础和实践基础。

    The establishment of this proposition is based on the current situation of college students ' aid work and the related theory illustration .

  16. 绪论为概述部分,说明了本文的研究目的和意义,以及前人对《诗经》婚恋诗的研究成果。

    Introduction , the overview section , describes the purpose and significance of this study and previous research of marriage poems in the Book of Songs .

  17. 大多数用户可能对这个安装过程并不熟悉,本文将对其进行简要的概述,以说明这个安装过程是非常简单的。

    While the installation might not be what most users are accustomed to , this article provides a quick overview of the process to demonstrate how easy setup can be .

  18. 第二部分首先对国外资产剥离的发展及其常见的剥离方法进行了概述,简要说明了国内外资产剥离概念上的差异;

    Second part peel off assets development and stripping to country method go on the summary common at first , brief illustration domestic foreign capitals is it strip difference of concept to produce ;

  19. 第二章是文献综述部分,该章节是对近年来批评家对其作品的研究现状的概述,同时说明了该论文的研究目的和研究方法。

    The second chapter is literary review , it focuses on the recent research on Philip Roth and his works , and the illustration of the research purpose and approaches is given in this part .

  20. 在绪论中论文针对此课题的研究背景、研究目的和研究意义,以及对此项研究的相关理论与研究现状进行了概述,并说明了本论文的研究内容、框架与所采用的研究方法。

    In the Introduction papers address this issue of background , purpose and significance , the study of theory and research related to the present situation outlined and described in this paper , the framework adopted and the research methods .

  21. 第一部分首先提出问题,说明在数学课堂教学中实施情感教学的必要性,然后对国内外情感教学的研究加以概述,最后说明本文的主要工作。

    Section One first raises a question , illustrates the necessity of putting emotional teaching into effect and then summarizes the research into emotional teaching both at home and abroad and finally it shows the scope and meaning of this research .

  22. 本文将重点描述和分析该软件的实现过程,主要内容包括:1.TD-LTE终端RRM一致性测试系统概述,首先简要说明了RRM一致性测试的规范与内容,然后整体介绍了该系统的硬件及软件结构。

    This article will mainly describe and analyze software implementation . It includes : 1 . Overview of TD-LTE terminal RRM conformance testing system , briefly states the RRM conformance testing standard and content firstly , and then introduces the hardware and software structure of the whole system .

  23. 主要是对本文的核心思想和核心观点做简短概述,同时客观说明本文还需进一步研究的问题。

    Objectively illustrate problems need further researched in this paper .

  24. 车身修理期间,必须遵守以下安全指南、概述信息和质量说明。

    During body repairs , the following safety instructions as well as the general information and quality instructions must be followed .

  25. 第二章从区域文化资源的内涵、特点及其德育价值角度进行概述;并进一步说明延边地区区域文化资源的类型以及开发现状。

    In the second chapter , it explains more Yanbian regional cultural background and the development status which connect with the regional cultural resources , features , and it moral education value perspectives .

  26. 第二部分在围棋引擎总体概述的基础上说明其总体功能模块,并对各个子功能模块进行描述,重点讲解了交替下子的流程以及棋步产生模块。

    The second part gives out the overall function modules of Go engine after the general overview of it , and describes the various sub-modules , highlighting the alternate process and move generation modules .