
  1. 关于申论考试中几个问题的分析

    Analysis of Several Problems in the Explaining-expounding Capacity Examination

  2. 从申论考试透析大学生的能力培养

    On the Training of the Student 's Ability from the Shen Lun Examination

  3. 从申论考试看实用写作教学

    Examining the Teaching of Practical Writing from Angle of the Explaining-expounding Capacity Examination

  4. 申论考试的全过程有阅读资料、括主题、出方案、行论证四个主要环节。

    This examination includes reading material , summing up the gist of the material , raising schemes and conducting argument .

  5. 考生将于11月30日参加(公务员考试)笔试,包括两个部分:行政职业能力测验和申论考试。然后,在2009年初,再参加竞争更激烈的面试。

    The written test scheduled for Nov.30 this year includes two sessions , the administrative aptitude test ( AAT ) and the essay test , before a more competitive interview at the beginning of2009 .

  6. 申论考试科目的出现,拓展了应用写作学科的应用领域,使应用写作实现了新的实用价值,为应用写作的学科发展提供了新的角度。

    Due to the emergence of essay-type examination subjects , essay-type examination expand the application fields of applied writing subject and enable applied writing achieve a new practical value , and provide a new perspective for the development of disciplines of applied writing subject .

  7. 考生在《申论》考试中普遍暴露出三大弱点:辩证思维方法不足,实际工作能力偏弱,应用写作水平偏低。

    The examinees have generally exposed three shortcomings : shortage of dialectical ways of thinking , weakness in practical working abilities , and low level in practical writing .

  8. 国家公务员录用考试浅析&谈申论科目的考试内容和测评技术

    Explanation of Civil Servant Recruitment Examination & Statement measurement facts , contents and approaches