
having or showing great knowledge that is gained from academic study New England authors , though often erudite men , were not always acquainted with the work of English contemporaries . The unlearned always pretend to be erudite .
He allowed it to be thought that he was an educated man .
That did not stop Chinese pundits from making a fuss over it .
Without right methods , even a seeing erudite might feel his way as blind man does .
Most of men of letters in the late Tang Dynasty advocated a kind of erudite custom of literary studies .
If I were an employer I would rather employ graduates who have this range and curiosity than those who narrowly pursued safe subjects and high grades .
They were at the time of the pundits , the classical Chinese written language form nowadays model editor and become , directness , language compact , easy to understand .
Anyone unaware of this would have had difficulty in making out what the subjects were . Follow her cue , and one day you 'll be a great scholar .
Philosophers , psychoanalysts , doctors and learned people from all walks of life have made thousands of attempts to discover what it means to be conscious and how a person is conscious .
For expert men can execute , and perhaps judge of particulars , one bye one ; but the general counsels , and the plots and marshaling of affairs , come best from those that are learned .
Comprehensive Study and Li Restriction : Some Analysis of Confucius 's Talent Management Thought in the Analects