
  • 网络Bok;bock;Derek Bok;Boker
  1. 我们的诗剧,亨利博克创始人乔治出生在费城。

    The creator of our poetic drama , George Henry Boker was born in Philadelphia .

  2. 博克接受《赫芬顿邮报》的采访,谈到了谷歌的用人哲学,以及如何加入这家一直被认为是最佳工作地的公司。

    Bock spoke1 with The Huffington Post about Google 's people philosophy and how to get hired at the company , which consistently is ranked as one of the best places to work .

  3. 去年8月,来自新泽西州蛋港镇(EggHarborTownship)的凯茜&12539;博克(CathyBork)第18次游览迪士尼乐园。

    Last August , Cathy Bork from Egg Harbor Township , N.J. , visited Disney World for the 18th time .

  4. 博克责成团队中的研究员布莱恩·威勒(BrianWelle)开展了一个针对隐蔽性偏见的项目。

    Mr. Bock asked one of these researchers , Brian Welle , to begin a project on hidden biases .

  5. 我们与客户所做的几宗交易向欧洲的销售,让我感觉糟透了,高盛一销售人员2007年10月致信丹尼尔斯博克(DanielSparks)时写道。斯博克是高盛抵押贷款业务主管。

    Real bad feeling across European sales about some of the trades we did with clients , one Goldman salesman wrote to Daniel Sparks , who headed the bank 's mortgage department , in October 2007 .

  6. “千百万非洲人的生命,包括200万接受艾滋病治疗的人,可能会受到威胁,”Devarajan在他的博克上说。

    " The lives of hundreds of millions of Africans , including the two million on AIDS treatment , may be threatened ," Devarajansaid on his blog .

  7. 休谟和博克对此都进行了多角度的比较深入的分析。

    Both Hume and Burke made comparatively deep analysis of it .

  8. 博克美学思想形成研究

    The Study of the Formation of Burke 's Aesthetic Thoughts

  9. 哈佛之光&德里克·博克的大学教育思想及其启示

    The Honor of Harvard-Derek Bole 's Ideas of University Education and Revelation

  10. 我博克中的资料均非为商业目的而设。

    All the materials in this blog are not for commercial usage .

  11. 热诚欢迎您进入时空可变系多线矢世界博克!

    Cordially welcome enter to Time-space Variable System Multi-linear Vector World blog !

  12. 但博克认为,这种招聘策略是错误的。

    But Bock said it was the wrong hiring strategy .

  13. 博克想知道,无意识偏见在谷歌如何发挥影响。

    Mr. Bock wondered how such unconscious biases were playing out at Google .

  14. 试析博克行为的道德规制问题

    Analysis of Moral Regularities and Restraints of Blog Behavior

  15. 博克说,“泰勒衣橱”不仅仅是一项人道主义努力。

    She says Taylor 's Closet is more than just a humanitarian effort .

  16. 另一个博克球状体在它的前面。

    Another Bok globule is in the foreground .

  17. 博克的学术自由与大学自治观

    Derek Bok on Academic Freedom and Institutional Autonomy

  18. 责任与伦理:博克的大学社会服务思想简析

    Responsibility and Ethics : Analysis of Bok 's Thinking of Social Services at University

  19. 琳赛今年17岁了,她得到梅根.博克等朋友的帮助。

    Giambattista , now17 , runs it with the help of friends like Meghan Burke .

  20. 这个博克是关与所有南洋的事物,教育等事物。这个博克跟南洋小学无任何关系。

    Nanyang Primary is blog dedicated to educational information and all things around Nanyang Primary .

  21. 近期内极少更新博克,引来朋友们的一顿抱怨。

    Recently , I rarely renewed the blog , complained by a number of friends .

  22. 最后,简要分析了博克的大学教育思想对我国高等教育改革与发展的启示。

    Then , it briefly offers some revelation to our higher education reform and development .

  23. 这是一部,五十年代早期,由荷兰人吉斯-博克构思的片子。

    It was originally conceived by a Dutchman named Kees Boeke in the early '50s .

  24. 博克说:我们的调查显示,这么问纯粹是浪费时间。

    Our research tells us those questions are a waste of time , Bock said .

  25. 对立认同是博克新修辞学理论中的一个重要概念。

    Identification by antithesis is one of the important concepts in Kenneth Burke 's New Rhetoric .

  26. 偏偏教我注册博克的朋友今天又不在网上,找谁问去啊!

    Unluckily wasn 't being online at the moment the friend who had tempted me here .

  27. 在第一章中介绍了博克训练的发展过程和传统训练形式。

    In the first chapter , introduced Bok training development process and traditional forms of training .

  28. 博克表示,一个问题是,当续集创出佳绩后,它们就会铺天盖地。

    Part of the problem is when sequels do well , they flourish , Bock says .

  29. 只要提高意识,就足以让人们去思考,博克说。

    Just raising the awareness was enough for people to think about it , Mr. Bock said .

  30. 中间&一个叫毛虫的博克球状体在右边。

    [ Center ] - A Bok globule nicknamed the " caterpillar " appears at the right .