
  1. 近两年来,全军博士后流动站和博士、硕士学位授权点有了大幅度增加,学位授权体系逐步完善,培养规模有了较大增长。

    In the past two years , the pla 's mobile post-doctoral stations and doctor 's or master 's degree authorization centers have increased by large margins , the academic degree authorization system has been improved gradually , and the training scale has been enlarged substantially .

  2. 60个本科专业,一个第二学士学位专业,博士、硕士学位授权的一级学科26个,有硕士学位授予权的一级学科一个。

    It has 60 specialties for undergraduates , 1 specialty for the second Bachelor 's degree , 26 doctorate or master programs in first-level disciplines , 1 single master program in first-level discipline , 17 doctorate or master programs in second-level disciplines , 38 single master program in second-level discipline ,

  3. 通过院内的2个博士后科研工作站,1个博士、16个硕士学位授权点,培养了大批高素质的科研人才。

    There have been lots of experts and management talents who got trained respectively in2 postdoctoral scientific research working station , 1 doctorate-accredited field and16 master-accredited fields .