
kuànɡ jǐnɡ pái shuǐ
  • mine drainage
  1. 基于PLC的矿井排水系统的模糊-PID设计

    PLC-Based Fuzzy PID in the Mine Drainage System

  2. 矿井排水最佳流速研究

    The study of the coal mine drainage optimal speed

  3. 基于Internet的矿井排水泵选型系统研究

    Study to the System for Selecting the Drainage Pump Type in Mine on Basis of Internet

  4. 基于ASP技术的矿井排水泵在线选型及性能曲线绘制

    Mine Pump Selection and Performance Curve Drawing Based on ASP Technology

  5. 矿井排水在宝山电厂2×660MW超临界机组中的应用

    Application of Mine Pit Draining Water in 2 × 660MW Supercritical Units in Baoshan Power Plant

  6. 矿井排水系统运行管理中的系统工程方法

    Application of system engineering in management of mine water drainage system

  7. 矿井排水计算机监测与模糊诊断

    Computer monitoring and fuzzy diagnosis for water drainage of underground mine

  8. 新集二矿矿井排水系统的技术改造

    Technique Reformation of the Drainage System about the Xinji Second Mine

  9. 矿井排水系统是矿山五大系统之一。

    The underground drainage system is one of the five mine-systems .

  10. 如何实现矿井排水系统的节能

    How to achieve the system efficiency of drain water in mine

  11. 矿井排水系统存在的问题及改进措施

    The Problems and Modification Measures of Pumping Water System in the Mine

  12. 矿井排水系统可靠性模型研究及应用

    Research and application of reliability model for dewatering system in underground mine

  13. 计算机矿井排水控制系统

    Draining off Water Control System Based on Computer for Mine

  14. 基于神经模糊的矿井排水系统控制器的研究

    A research on nerve-fussy based mine water discharge control system

  15. 矿井排水管路最佳管径确定方法的研究

    Study of the Method for Determining Optimal Diameter of Coalmine Drainage Pipelines

  16. 浅谈矿井排水在工业锅炉除尘中的应用

    The feasibility of drained water from mine used in industrial boiler for dedusting

  17. 模糊控制在矿井排水系统中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Logical Control in Sewerage of Mine

  18. 矿井排水可控止回阀系统及降阻的试验研究

    Test Research of Transient Flow Behavior Controlling and Resistance Reduction in Mine Pump System

  19. 矿井排水管路最佳管径千米立井排水管路的设计

    Most Suitable Diameter of Draining Pipe Design on water pipeline of a kilometre shaft

  20. 矿井排水系统的动态分析模型

    A dynamical analysis model of mine drainage system

  21. 矿井排水系统安全性的模糊综合评价

    Fuzzy comprehensive safety assessment of mine drainage system

  22. 矿井排水系统断电停泵瞬变过程的计算机模拟研究

    Study on computer simulation of transient of mine pumping system after power is cut off

  23. 矿井排水系统的随机模拟

    Random Simulation of Mining Drainage System

  24. 矿井排水装置的特性分析

    Character analysis of shaft drainage set

  25. 矿井排水管路瞬态特性分析

    The transient analysis of drainage piping

  26. 大降深矿井排水预测地下水位迭代精度的影响因素

    Big and Good Matter Influential Factors of Calculation Error for Groundwater Table in Mine Drainage Forecast of Deep Drawdown

  27. 利用系统动力学的观点和方法,建立了矿井排水系统的动态分析模型。

    Sing the viewpoints and methods of system dynamics , the writer builds up a dynamical analysis model of mine drainage system .

  28. 本文在分析矿井排水系统一般生产规律的基础上,建立了矿井排水系统的随机模拟模型。

    Based on analysis of the general regularity of mining drainage system , a random simulation model of mining drainage system is developed .

  29. 矿井排水系统是保证煤矿生产稳定运行,保障工人生命安全的重要系统。

    Mine drainage system is an important system that can guarantee stable operation of coal production , protect the safety of the workers .

  30. 峰峰煤田矿井排水量大,大量矿井排水不仅造成水资源的严重浪费,而且污染环境,另一方面,该区工农业用水又十分紧缺。

    There is a massive drainage in Fengfeng coal field , which not only causes the serious waste of water resources , but also environmental pollution .