
  • 网络mineral classification
  1. 我国的金矿物分类及其主要特征

    Classifications of China 's gold minerals and their main characteristics

  2. 矿物分类和识别的人工神经网络模型

    Artificial neural network model for classification and recognition of minerals

  3. 从化学加工工艺谈磷矿物的分类及其意义

    Classification of phosphate minerals from chemical processing technology and its importance

  4. 四川黑水锰矿锰铝榴石-铁铝榴石系列矿物的分类及其意义

    The classification of the spessartine-almandine series mineral in manganese ore from heishui , sichuan and its significance

  5. 粘土矿物的分类

    Classification of clay minerals

  6. 因此,作者对磷矿物的分类不是从矿物类型而是以能量方程式所具有的特征系数进行分类。

    For this reason , this classification is based on the characteristic parameters of energy equations , not the types of the minerals .

  7. 利用化学成分分类法、矿物成分分类法等,根据分析化验和测井资料可对火山岩岩性进行有效识别。

    The use of the chemical constituents of classification , mineral composition and other classification methods , to make full use of information and laboratory analysis of the logging data on the volcanic rock can be effective recognition .

  8. 寿山石矿物组成及其分类的XRD研究

    A Study of the Composition and Classification of Shoushan Stone by XRD Method

  9. ASTER的多波段数据除了可以用传统的数据处理方法处理之外,还可以利用高光谱的岩矿信息识别与提取技术进行数据处理,得到更精确的矿物、岩石分类结果。

    In addition to the conventional data processing methods , the hyperspectral techniques for rock and mineral information recognition and extraction may also be used to process the multiband data of ASTER and yield more accurate mineral and rock classification results .

  10. 他用一种非常有用的方法将植物、动物的矿物进行了分类。

    He classified plants , animals and minerals in a very useful way .

  11. 同时还对金云母组的矿物作了分类。

    At the same time , the classification of the phlogopite family is presented , as well .

  12. 矿物包体分类问题及其意义(一种新的包体分类方案)

    THE CLASSIFICATION OF MINERAL INCLUSIONS AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE ( A New Scheme for the Classification of Inclusions )

  13. 近40年来陨石分类学经历了3个发展阶段:60~70年代,由根据陨石的矿物结构的分类方法发展为球粒陨石的化学&岩石学分类法和铁陨石的化学群分类法;

    In recent 40 years , meteorite taxology has undergone three development stages . In the 1960-1970s , chemical petrologic classification of chondrites and chemical classification of iron meteorite were established .

  14. 基于主成分分析的矿物浮选泡沫图像分类与识别

    Classification and recognition of mineral flotation froth images based on principal component analysis