
kuànɡ shā chuán
  • ore carrier
  1. “河北创新”矿砂船改装项目简介

    The conversion design of " HEBEI INNOVATOR " ore carrier

  2. 相对于其他区域而言,超大型矿砂船的首部区域是发生屈服破坏、屈曲变形、疲劳裂纹等海损事故的重点区域。

    Compared with other areas , the bow of the very large ore carrier is the key area where marine accidents such as yielding failure , buckling deformation and fatigue crack occur .

  3. 与此同时,淡水河谷周五表示,中国企业集团——招商局集团(ChinaMerchantsGroup)将建造10艘超大型矿砂船,并将它们租给淡水河谷。

    Meanwhile , China Merchants Group , a Chinese conglomerate , will build 10 VLOCs and charter them to Vale over 25 years , Vale said on Friday .

  4. 本文分析了单壳VLCC在IMO新规则的限制条件下,改造成大型矿砂船的可行性。

    The paper accounts for the background , feasibility to reconstruct the single side VLCC to ore carrier .

  5. 淡水河谷本月与中国最大航运集团中远(Cosco)达成协议后,预计超大型矿砂船年内将被允许靠泊中国港口。

    VLOCs are expected to be allowed back into Chinese ports this year after Vale reached an agreement this month with Cosco , China 's largest shipping group .

  6. 大型矿砂船甲板开口角隅应力计算的探讨

    Discussion to stress calculation of hatch corner in large ore carrier

  7. 230000DWT矿砂船螺旋桨轴加工问题探讨

    Discussion on Machining of Propeller Shaft for 230 000 DWT Ore Carrier

  8. 超大型矿砂船波激振动模型试验研究

    Experimental Investigations of Springing Responses of an Ultra-Large Ore Carrier

  9. 中远还将委托建造另外10艘超大型矿砂船。

    Cosco will also commission the building of a further 10 VLOCs .

  10. 淡水河谷将在未来25年里向中远租用上述14艘超大型矿砂船。

    Vale will charter all 14 VLOCs from Cosco over the next 25 years .

  11. 随着矿砂船大型化的发展,结构设计者需要关注的问题也越来越多。

    With the development of large-scale ore carriers , structural designers need to focus more problems .

  12. 帕尔默说,泰坦尼克二号将由中国国营企业中国长江航运集团金陵船厂承建,该船厂已经为帕尔默的矿业建造过四艘矿砂船。

    Titanic II will be built by Chinese state-owned CSC Jinling Shipyard , which is already building four ore carriers for Palmer 's mining business , he said .

  13. 随着世界铁矿石产能过剩现象越来越严重、导致价格下跌,超大型矿砂船所带来的较低运输成本将有助于淡水河谷保持竞争力。

    Lower shipping costs stemming from its use of VLOCs will help Vale stay competitive as a growing glut in world iron ore mining capacity causes prices to drop .

  14. 中远此前曾游说反对超大型矿砂船进入中国港口,但淡水河谷同意将4艘此型船舶的所有权转让给中远。

    Cosco had previously lobbied against VLOCs having access to Chinese ports , but Vale has agreed to transfer ownership of four of these vessels to the Chinese company .

  15. 本论文的目的就是通过规范计算和直接强度计算研究超大型矿砂船首部区域的结构强度,并根据计算结果对其进行优化设计。

    This paper aims to optimize the bow structure according to the calculations which are done by studying the structural strength of the bow through the rule calculation and direct strength calculation .

  16. 前些年运费较高时,中国航运业曾游说反对超大型矿砂船,迫使淡水河谷在菲律宾苏比克湾等港口将铁矿石转移至较小的船舶。

    China 's shipping industry had lobbied against the VLOCs while freight rates were at their height , forcing Vale to transfer ore to smaller ships at ports including Subic Bay in the Philippines .

  17. 石油-散货-矿砂运输船

    Oil bulk ore ship