
kuànɡ nàn
  • mine disaster
  1. 布兰肯希普曾坚称,在UpperBigBranch致命矿难发生前他没有任何不当行为。

    Blankenship has insisted he did nothing wrong in advance at the deadly Upper Big Branch mine disaster .

  2. 矿难救险生命球系统的研发

    Research and development on life ball system for mine disaster rescue

  3. 针铁矿、赤铁矿、Al取代针铁矿和Al取代赤铁矿难以被还原,表现出与对照相同的还原特征;

    The goethite , hematite , Al-substituted goethite and Al-substituted hematite were difficult to be reduced , which showed a same characteristic of iron reduction with control .

  4. 构建立足3R的矿难治理预防管理体系

    Building a Prevention Administrative System Ore Disaster on the Basis of 3R

  5. 脊髓外伤的主要原因是交通事故(45.4%),少部分是高处坠落(16.8%)和运动损伤(16.3%)引起,在我国因矿难事故而致SCI数也是惊人的。

    The primary cause of SCI is road accident ( 45.4 % ), and other causes include falling from high locality and athletic injury whereas the SCI caused by colliery accident is striking in China .

  6. 进入新世纪以来,SARS、禽流感、矿难等频繁发生的社会性危机事件给社会带来了许多不稳定因素。长期以来,社会学研究在这一领域一直缺乏系统全面的理论探讨。

    Social critical incident that take place frequently such as SARS , poultry flu , accident in ore bring a lot of destabilizing factors to society There has been little systematic or profound theoretical research in this field of sociology .

  7. B-130在铜绿山矿难选氧化铜矿选矿中的应用

    Application of B-130 Used in Oxidized Copper Ore

  8. 戈尔本原本是一名工程师及超级市场/零售连锁店桑科萨集团(CencosudS.A.)的前执行官,矿难发生时,他刚出任矿业部长不久,并且对采矿毫无经验。

    At the time of the mine collapse , Golborne , an engineer and former executive of the supermarket / retail chain Cencosud S.A. , was new on the job and had no experience in mining .

  9. 是什么导致了25年发生在美国得最严重的矿难?

    What caused America 's worst mining accident in 25 years ?

  10. 煤矿矿难事故死亡赔偿法律制度研究

    On the Law of the Dying Compensation of the Coal Mine Accident

  11. 去年,该公司发生的矿难事故从2006年的18起激增至25起。

    Mine fatalities jumped to 25 last year from 18 in 2006 .

  12. 山西乡镇煤矿矿难赔偿中存在的问题与对策

    Problems on Disaster Compensation and Solution in Township Coal Mines in Shanxi

  13. 产权扭曲:矿难的深层次思考

    Property right distortion : the further thought to mine tragedy

  14. 智利每年报道的矿难死亡人数达1.2万。

    There are 12000 deaths in mines reported each year .

  15. 矿难频发的法经济学分析

    Analysis of Law and Economics for the Frequent Mining Calamities

  16. 接着深入分析了矿难事故发生的类型和原因分析。

    And then is mine types and causes of the accident analysis .

  17. 因此如何治理矿难已经成为社会亟待解决的一大难题。

    So it has become a difficult problem how to solve mine accident .

  18. 信息不对称和我国的矿难保险需求分析

    Asymmetric Information and Analysis of Insurance Demand in Mine Disaster of Our Country

  19. 提高平果铝土矿难洗矿石洗矿效率的研究

    Study on Improving the Washing Efficiency of Pingguo Hard to Wash Bauxite Ore

  20. 矿难治理对策:一种劳动经济学分析视角

    How to eliminate coal mine disaster : study from view-point of labor economics

  21. 我国矿难多发的原因

    On the Reasons of Coal Mine Accidents in China

  22. 矿难的经济法思考(下)

    Thinking of Economic Law in Mining Disaster (ⅱ)

  23. 矿难事故报道的舆论监督与引导作用

    The roles and principles of orientation of public opinions on coal mine accident reports

  24. 中国矿难原因及防治对策

    The Reason and Solution of Chinese Mine Tragedy

  25. 这是土耳其近六个月以来发生的第三起矿难。

    It was the third mine accident in Turkey in the past six months .

  26. 江西人贩谋杀智障汉伪造矿难骗取赔偿。

    Gang murders man then sues for compensation .

  27. 事故瞒报的运作逻辑&河北邯郸6·3特大矿难个案研究

    The Logic of Accident Cover-up & A Case Study of Mine Accident in Handan City

  28. 近几年来,我国的矿难事故频发,特别是煤矿事故。

    In recent years , China mining mishap was frequently . Especially coal mining mishap .

  29. 高密度电阻率法在贵州福泉矿难救援中的应用

    The application of high density resistivity method in mine disaster rescue in fuquan , guizhou

  30. 我国古、近代的煤矿矿难

    Mine Disasters in Ancient and Modern Times