
  1. 川南城市群战略规划研究

    Study on the Strategic Plan of Urban Agglomeration in the Southern Sichuan

  2. 作为本论文的难点与关键,本文研究了川南城市群的经济一体化。

    The process of economic integrity of the Urban Agglomeration in the Southern Sichuan was deeply analyzed .

  3. 川南城市群在中国西部的城市群体中最具有资源,工业化基础好,人口密集的特色和优势。

    The cities group in the south of Sichuan has its own advantages such as rich resources , concrete industrial basis and rich labor resources .

  4. 第二部分分析了川南城市群经济发展情况,进行了旅客运输需求分析,包括城际客流特征分析和客流预测。

    Secondly , the reginal economy of South Sichuan urban agglomeration has been analysed . The passenger transport demand has been analysed , including the analysis of inter-city passenger flow and the prediction of the passenger flow .