
  1. 川藏公路通麦天险段山地灾害及其防治

    Mountain hazard in Tangmai natural barrier along Sichuan-Xizang highway and its control

  2. 公路地质灾害整治工程设计中的工程地质分析&以川藏公路二郎山隧道西口大湾沟滑坡整治工程为例

    Engineering geology analysis in the control project design for highway geological disaster

  3. 本段是川藏公路有名的严重山地灾害段。

    Tangmai Natural Barrier along Sichuan-Xizang Highway is a famous reach with serious mountain hazard .

  4. 遥感技术在川藏线、滇藏线可行性研究中的应用

    Application of remote sensing technique on feasibility research of Chuan Zang and Dian Zang railway lines

  5. 综合工程物探技术在川藏公路102大型滑坡勘察中的应用

    The Application of Comprehensive Geophysical Exploration Technique to the Exploration of No.102 Large Landslides on the Sichuan-Xizang Highway

  6. 川藏公路二郎山隧道西引道地质灾害特征及整治

    The Features and Treatment of Geologic Hazards of the West Approach of Erlang Mountain Tunnel , Chuang 、 Zang Road

  7. 因此,搞清川藏公路的地质状况对川藏公路的设计、维护和灾害治理都十分重要。

    How to make clear the geological status is important to the design and maintenance and disaster 's father of Chuanzang Road .

  8. 沿横穿岩体的川藏公路剖面和牦牛沟&塔公草原剖面采集了10个点的定向样品。

    Along Chuanzang Road cross section and Maoniugou to Tagong Grassland cross section , 10 oriented specimen were collected to conduct the fluid inclusion planes ( FIP ) study .

  9. 一条险峻的川藏公路,穿起了一串瑰丽晶莹的珠宝,也穿起了一个美丽的童话世界。

    The precipitous Sichuan-Xizang road runs so zigzag that it looks as if strung a line of sparkling magnificent pearls and jeweler , and a beautiful fairy land as well .

  10. 本文立足于翔实的野外考察,从102滑坡水岩作用的影响因素入手,指出川藏公路地区滑坡的水岩作用强烈且形式多样,并分析了水岩作用对102滑坡形成与演化全过程的影响。

    Detailed field investigation of the landslide 102 and analysis of the factors causing the water-rock interaction in the landslide suggested that the water-rock interaction is intense and diverse in the area .

  11. 本文通过分析川藏公路沿线的地质环境和灾害特点,总结历年整治改建和经验的教训,提出川藏公路建设的途径、可能达到的目标和应采用的原则。

    After investigating on the characteristics of the geological environment and hazards along the highway and summing up experience of hazards controlling and rebuilding for last years , the anthor in this paper gives some suggestions of approach , goal , and principles .

  12. 针对体外预应力加固梁时的受力机理和破坏形式,推导出了采用体外预应力加固设计的计算公式和应满足的条件,并应用于川藏公路某大桥的加固实践。

    According to the flexural behavior and failure modes of bridges strengthened with external prestressing , the calculation formula and relevant conditions that should be met in bridge strengthening design with external prestressing are developed , and applied to an actual bridge in Chuan-Zang highway .