
  • 【地名】【中国】Chuanxi Plain
  1. 川西平原岷江流域冲积性水稻土中Be和V的背景值研究

    Study background value of beryllium and vanadium in alluvial rice soil of Western Sichuan Plain

  2. CD机场位于川西平原中部,是我国西部重要航空枢纽港和客货集散地。

    Located in the center of western Sichuan plain , CD airport is renowned as a significant air hub for passengers and cargoes in the West of China .

  3. 川西平原属沉积平原,不到2m厚的表土下面全是沙卵石,沙卵石厚度达二、三十米。

    Chuanxi plain belongs to sedimentary plain , where there is sand-gravel mixture under the surface soil in less than two meters in thickness , the thickness of sand-gravel mixture is 20m ~ 30m ;

  4. CX170-1井位于川西平原,周围良田环绕。

    CX170-1 well , surrounded by good farmland , located in Chuanxi plain .

  5. 川西平原经济圈土地利用水平研究

    Study on Land Utilization Level in Economic Circle of Chuanxi Plain

  6. 川西平原小麦免耕覆草高产高效栽培技术研究

    Study on the High Productive and Benefit Cultivation Technique of Wheat

  7. 川西平原小麦倒伏原因的初步研究

    Preliminary study on the causes of wheat lodging in West Sichuan Plain

  8. 川西平原区冷季型草坪杂草发生规律与控制技术的研究

    The Study on Emergence Regulation and Control of Weeds in Cool-season Lawn

  9. 川西平原种植制度研究回顾与展望

    Retrospect and prospect for the cropping system research in western plain of Sichuan

  10. 川西平原中稻高产品种的分类

    The classification of high-yielding varieties of single - cropping rice in Western Sichuan Plain

  11. 川西平原大足鼠的种群生态学Ⅱ.存活和运动

    Population ecology of Rattus nitidus in the Western Sichuan plain ⅱ . survival and movement

  12. 川西平原稻田高效可持续三熟复种模式研究

    Study on Sustained Highly Benefit Multiple Cropping Models in the West Plain of Sichuan Province

  13. 并最终构建了针对川西平原重建街道空间的相应评价指标集。

    And ultimately build a corresponding evaluation index set for the reconstruction of the West Sichuan Plain street space .

  14. 试论川西平原地区振动冲击沉管灌注桩复合成桩新工艺

    A new technique of pile-forming used in the Western Sichuan plain area : combination of vibratory impact pipe-sinking and concrete pouring

  15. 川西平原中小学生风湿热及风湿性心脏病流行病学调查

    An Epidemiologic Investigation of Acute Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease Among Students Aged 5-18 in West Area of Sichuan Province

  16. 以都江堰为首的水利设施建设,减少了川西平原的水患,更对蜀地起到灌溉的作用,使其成为天府之国。

    The construction of water facilities reduced the Flooding , irrigated Chengdu Plain , and made Sichuan region into Land of Abundance .

  17. 它植根于文化底蕴深厚的川西平原,具有多样的表现形式与丰富的文化内涵,是优秀的传统建筑装饰文化。

    It is rooted in a profound culture of western sichuan plain , with diverse forms and rich cultural connotation , is excellent traditional architectural decoration culture .

  18. 四川盆地可分为川东平行岭谷区、盆周低山丘陵区、川中丘陵区、川西平原区。

    Sichuan Basin may be divided into east Sichuan parallel ridge-and-valley area , low mountain-hill area around the basin , central Sichuan hill area and west Sichuan plain area .

  19. 结合川西平原小麦倒伏的实际,本文认为,该区小麦倒伏的主要原因在极而不在茎秆高度。

    In view of the facts of lodging in West Sichuan Plain , we considered that the major cause leading to wheat lodging lay in the root but not in the plant height in this area .

  20. 川西平原啮齿动物群落3个变量的增加趋势,可能是农业生态系统中啮齿动物与人类长期共存所形成的适应特征,它们能随农业产量增加这样的环境变化使各个群落变量呈现出增加的趋势;

    The above adaptive traits resulting from coexistence of rodents and people probably make the rodents respond to cultivation quickly , such as environmental changes like yield increasing , so that increasing trends of 3 community variables were observed .

  21. 德阳市位于川西平原腹地,是古天府之国的重要组成部分,境内生物遗传多样性和种质资源十分丰富,传统农业生产发达。

    Deyang , located at the center of the plain of Sichuan , which is an essential part of the ancient Country of Tianfu . There are various of life-forms and abundant resources , and the traditional agriculture prosperous .

  22. 麻羊是肉、乳、皮兼用的山羊品种,原主要分布在成都近郊,现西移于川西平原西部边缘浅山深丘地带。

    Summary The brown goat is a breed both for milk and meat and skin , It was distributed in the suburbs of Chengdu , but now it has spread to the mountainous and hilly regions in the western part of Sichuan Province .

  23. 本文将四川省划分为川西平原区、盆中丘陵区、盆周山区、川西南山区和川西高山高原区等五个森林生态旅游区,并分别进行分析。

    Under these principles , five forestry ecotourism areas are classified in Sichuan : plains in the west , hills in the middle of the Basin , mountain areas surrounding the Basin , mountain areas in the southwest , and alps and plateaus in the west .

  24. 川西平原是四川境内较为发达富饶的地区,川西平原城镇经过灾后重建的跨越式发展后,许多传统的川西平原的城镇形态和发展模式正在迅速融入现代小城镇的发展轨迹。

    West Sichuan Plain , is more developed and affluent areas of Sichuan Province , after the reconstruction of the " leapfrog " development , many of the traditional Western Sichuan Plain town form and mode of development is rapidly integrate into the modern development of small towns trajectory .