
  1. 产于内华达高原草场和森林的交界处。

    Of high Sierra Nevada meadows and forest borders .

  2. 作为牧民家庭,游牧的传统使他们的活动是季节性的。他们在夏季游牧到高原草场或jailoo。

    This nomadic tradition continues to function seasonally as herding families return to high mountain pastures or jailoos in the summer .

  3. 运用简单加性加权法评价黄土高原地区草场效益的研究

    The Study on the Pasture Benefit of Loess Plateau by Simple Weighty-plus Method

  4. 黄土高原地区草场资源与畜牧业的发展战略初探

    An strategic approach to grassland resources and animal husbandry development in Loess Plateau

  5. 青海南部高原高寒草场退化机理及生态重建

    Degradation mechanism of the grass in Qinghai Plateau and its prevention and control countermeasures

  6. 青海高原草甸草场类型特点及利用改良

    The types , characteristics , utilization and amending of meadow and grassland in Qinghai plateau

  7. 青海高原草甸草场天然牧草产量形成的动态模式及应用

    The dynamic model of Meadow Grassland Natural herbages yield forming in Qinghai Plateau and its application

  8. 结果表明:高原高寒地区草场退化以后,土壤水文过程都发生改变,植被退化越严重土壤含水量变化越强烈、土壤入渗过程越快。

    It is revealed that after the grassland degradation , the courses of the soil moisture have changed a lot , and the more vegetation degenerates , the more soil moisture changes , and the process of the water entering into soil also becomes quick .