
  • 网络High Tech Start-Up
  1. 如果没有商学院的帮助,乔.周(JoeZhou)从中国迁至美国、然后成为一个高科技创业者的梦想就已破灭了。

    Without the help of a business school , Joe Zhou 's dream of moving from China to the US and becoming a tech entrepreneur would have failed .

  2. 现在,再说回我的故事。就在我在app上发布查询后的几分钟之内,一名在洛杉矶的高科技创业公司工作的23岁年轻女士柯尔斯滕·哈里斯(KirstenHarris)回应了我。

    Kirsten Harris , a 23-year-old who works at a tech start-up in Los Angeles , responded to my in-app query within a few minutes .

  3. 高科技创业绩效影响因素的实证研究

    Empirical Study on the Determinants of Entrepreneurial Performance of High-tech Start-ups

  4. 高科技创业企业决策搜索理论与模型研究

    Research on Searching Decision Theory and Model of High-Tech Start-up Enterprise

  5. 高科技创业企业资源整合模式研究

    A Study on the Framework of Assembling Resources in Hi-Tech New Ventures

  6. 创业资源是高科技创业成功的重要支撑。

    Resources are essentially important to the success of high-tech new ventures .

  7. 高科技创业企业社会网络对创业企业而言,有着其存在的特殊意义。

    The social network of high-tech venturing enterprises has special existing significance .

  8. 高科技创业成功因素研究

    Study on Success Factors of Start-up Business in High-tech Industry

  9. 高科技创业企业期望利润搜索分析

    Analysis on Expecting Profit Searching of Hi-Tech Start-up Enterprises

  10. 高科技创业企业融资中收益权与决策权配置

    The Allocation of Cash-Flow Rights and Decision Rights in High-Tech Start-ups ' Finance

  11. 高科技创业企业的动态系统分析

    A Dynamical System Analysis on Hi-Tech Start-up Enterprises

  12. 高科技创业企业融资中的金融啄序

    The Financing Pecking Order in High-tech Entrepreneurial Enterprises

  13. 结合已有文献的研究对创业机会进行了界定,并分析了高科技创业企业创业机会的特点及其来源。

    Define entrepreneurial opportunity with existing studies and analyze the features and source of entrepreneurial opportunity .

  14. 高科技创业企业已成为高科技产业发展的重要推进力量。

    High-tech entrepreneurial enterprises ( HTEE ) have already become a driving force of high-tech industrial development .

  15. 奥琦玮公司是一家处于起步阶段的电子信息领域的高科技创业企业。

    Acewill Information Technology ( Beijing ) Co Ltd is an early-stage high-tech startup in information industry .

  16. 论文主要包括五个部分:第一部分,社会资本与高科技创业企业。

    The paper includes five parts : The first part is social capital and high-tech venturing enterprises .

  17. 本文利用概率论和博弈论对高科技创业企业决策搜索过程进行了分析。

    The thesis analyzes the process of searching decision in high-tech start-up enterprise utilizing the probability theory and game theory .

  18. 创业投资保险机构的资金由政府财政拨款和投保人保费共同构成,创业投资保险的范围仅限于高科技创业投资项目。

    The fund of organization of venture capital insurance is made up of financial assistance given by government and insurance premium .

  19. 第三次高科技创业浪潮的兴起,使得团队在创业进程中的作用凸现出来,成为新经济背景下财富创造和价值实现的重要模式。

    In the context of knowledge economy booming , team venturing has become an important model for wealth creation and value realization .

  20. 然而,出于跨国企业和自身市场机制的不成熟,导致我国高科技创业企业成活率很低。

    However , thanks to immaturity of the market mechanism and multinational corporations , high-tech start-ups stand a low survival rate in China .

  21. 从环境、结构和行动三个层面分析社会资本对高科技创业企业机会确认的影响,提出了基于社会资本的高科技创业企业机会确认模型。

    Analyze the impact of social capital on the opportunity affirming of high-tech venturing enterprises from following three aspect : environment , structure and activity .

  22. 深圳数度想要重振,并准备推出高科技创业板。但是,香港也有此打算。

    Shenzhen has tried several times to reinvent itself and is about to launch a new high-tech market for start-ups . But then so is Hong Kong .

  23. 并分别从高科技创业企业的风险评价、风险分散、风险分摊、风险控制、风险预警等方面进行了深入研究。

    Besides , intensive studies of risk evaluation , risk dispersing , risk sharing , risk controlling , risk early-warning and so on are carried out respectively .

  24. 为了研究高科技创业企业的融资行为,详细讨论了融资结构理论中的金融啄序理论,并在此基础上对高科技创业企业进行了问卷调查研究。

    In order to study financing behaviors of HTEE , this essay discusses the pecking order theory extensively , and carries out a questionnaires survey research of HTEE .

  25. 在许多方面,盖茨都堪称成功高科技创业家的典型代表&他是充满激情的电脑狂,几乎单凭远见和锲而不舍就缔造了一个产业。

    In many ways , Gates was the archetype for the successful tech entrepreneur , the driven nerd who created an industry with little more than foresight and drive .

  26. 本文比较深入和系统地分析了社会资本对高科技创业企业创业过程中机会识别与开发的作用机制。

    This paper tries to make in-depth and systematical analysis on the impacts of social capital on opportunity recognition and development in the venture creation process of high-tech venturing enterprises .

  27. 结合高科技创业企业的治理特点,构建了高科技创业企业治理的框架:科学的决策体系、股权化的激励体系和项目化的管理体系。

    Combined with the governance characteristics of high-tech start-ups , we build a high-tech entrepreneurial corporate governance framework : a scientific decision-making system , equity of the incentive system and project-oriented management system .

  28. 在高科技创业过程中,创业所需的各种技术能力和管理能力等单凭创业者个人往往是不够的,创业团队的重要性凸显出来。

    In the process of technology-based entrepreneurship , it is difficult for one entrepreneur to master all of the technical and management capacity that is necessary for entrepreneurship and the importance of entrepreneurial team is prominent .

  29. 分析了高科技创业企业技术创新的特征和高科技创业企业社会资本的构成,主要研究了企业内部不同层面的社会资本对技术创新的影响。

    Analyze the features of the technological innovation of high-tech venturing enterprises and the composing of the social capital of high-tech venturing enterprises , major in the impact of the inside social capital on technological innovation .

  30. 高科技创业企业是技术密集型、资本密集型和人才密集型企业,其产品具有成长性强、生产周期短、更新速度快、附加值高、市场渗透能力强等特点。

    Hi-tech venture enterprises are those of intense technology , vast assets and plentiful talent ; the products bear such characteristics like high growth , short production cycle , fast update , high additional value and strong market infiltration capability .