
A case study on indicator system of urban environmental protection and ecological construction
Chapter four search the proper method of environmental planning by the means of comparison and exemplification .
Making use of the computer technology and geographical information system technique , we can promote the level of city environmental protection programming and management .
Evaluation of ecological sensitivity analyzes the adaptation ability of each system in the area against outside disturbances from the natural resources point of view . It is the basis of ecological planning and is instructive in urban planning , environmental protection planning , etc.
Model of Tree Species Planning for Urban Environment Protection Forests in Northwest China
Its mode of economic growth takes the form of " resources-products-renewable resources " and its planning is made up of three parts , namely , urban planning , environmental protection planning within the park and industrial structure planning of the park .
It is though that this model could be one of the possible strategy for the forecasting of urban water supply and figuration on the loss caused by environmental pollution .