
  1. 城南书院与湖南其它书院一样,在清代光绪年间,开始步入改制时期。

    The same as other academies in Hunan , Cheng Nan Academy begins its reform during the reign of Guang Xu .

  2. 王先谦系中国近代著名学者、作家、教育家,亦是湖南一师第一任校长及其前身城南书院最后一任山长。

    Wang Xian-qian was a famous scholar , writer , educator , and the first master of Hunan First Normal School as well as a head of South-city Academy .

  3. 在这一阶段,作为传统教育机构的城南书院,完成了它的历史使命,走向了新式学堂、现代学校的发展道路。

    In this period , Cheng Nan Academy , a traditional educational institution , has accomplished its mission , stepping into the development road of new-style institution and modern school .