
  1. 这种学术倾向适应了清代特殊的政治环境,最终形成了代表清代学术的乾嘉考据学。

    The academic tendency adapted to the special political environment of Qing Dynasty and formed the academic textual of the Qing Dynasty between Qian Long and Jia Qing period .

  2. 乾嘉考据学的高度发展及儒学正统地位在近代的衰落,不但为近代墨学复兴提供了起点与机遇,而且影响着近代墨学的治学途径和风格。

    The high development of Qian jia school 's textual criticism and the decline of total Confucianism in modern times not only provided the starting point and opportunity for Mohism renaissance during modern times , but also influenced its academic way and style .