
  1. 就像candy(糖果)一样,既没有什么营养价值,也没什么实质内容,而只是能够引起更多人关注的兴趣。至于他们本质如何,则通常少人在意。

    Like actual candy , this addition is seen to be neither nutritious nor substantial , but rather provides a potentially addictive appeal which will sustain the attention of a wider audience , possibly despite their better nature .

  2. 在今后几年内,将与全厂的计算机监控系统、MIS系统和大坝安全监测系统联网,实现资源共享、少人值班、远方监控的目标;

    Within several future years , the reservoir regulation automation system will network with the computer supervisory system , MIS and the dam safety monitoring system of the Plant , in order to realize the goals of shared resources , unattended operation and remote monitoring .

  3. 电站以220kV(出线2回)和110kV(出线4回)两级电压接入电力系统;电站按无人值班(少人值守)原则设计,由省中调统一调度。

    The Station was connected with the power system through 2 outgoing loops of 220 kV and 4 outgoing loops of 110 kV . It is designed on the basis of the principle of unattended operation and dispatched by the provincial dispatching center .

  4. 在他眼里,比较少人知道的诺门坎战役对整个二战有着深远的影响。日军计划利用这场战役以满洲为据点夺取苏联的领土,但却在1939年夏天被苏联红军中最伟大、最无情的将军朱可夫(GeorgiZhukov)破坏了。

    Thus the relatively little-known Battle of Khalkhin-Gol , in which Japan 's plans to grab Soviet territory from its base in Manchuria were undone in the summer of 1939 by the Red Army 's greatest and most ruthless general , Georgi Zhukov , had profound consequences .

  5. 唔,我选择了一条比较少人走过的路。

    Uh , I 'm taking the road less traveled by .

  6. 我们中多有少人在繁忙的生活中忘记了这一点?

    How many of us in our busy lives forget this ?

  7. 我国水电厂无人值班(少人值守)工作评述

    Review of " unmanned on duty " mode of hydropower plants in China

  8. 小型水电站无人值班(少人值守)开始起步

    Unattended Control in Small-scale Hydropower Stations Has Begun

  9. 闸门控制系统的总体结构采用了三层结构、两层网络的管控一体化结构,符合无人值班,少人值守的水电站发展要求。

    General structure of WGCS is three-level-and-two-web structure .

  10. 现在越来越少人买录音带。

    Tfewer and fewer people buy tapes now .

  11. 阿祖安娜,鉴於现在太少人结婚。

    Adriana , regarding the fact that no one wants to get married nowadays .

  12. 特别是在地少人多的中国,人地矛盾尤为突出。

    Especially in China , the contradiction between people and land is very sharp .

  13. 让我们找个比较少人走动的地方。

    Let 's try to find some place that 's off the beaten path .

  14. 你或许应该靠自己行事,再不然就是跟越少人合作越好。

    You should perhaps work by yourself or with as few people as possible .

  15. 然而当它基于自身利益投反对票时,一切也不会变得少人关注。

    But it would beno less remarkable if it were to veto sanctions on its own .

  16. 在座有笋少人知道,有机食品的需求量每年都在增长?

    How many people here realize that the demand for organic foods keeps increasing every year ?

  17. 金君瓦拉寻找那些很少机构持有的、看起来很悲观的、少人有研究的公司。

    Rakesh looks for under-researched companies with low institutional holding and under general pessimism about the stock .

  18. 整个电站自动响应调度中心的控制,符合国家电力公司无人值班(少人值守)的一流电站的要求。

    The whole of power station responses to the dispatch center automatically and fulfills the requirement of unattended power station .

  19. 当然,要实现所有这些是很好,而且没有多少少人还会去抱怨。

    Sure , it 's great to achieve all these things , and very few who do complain about it .

  20. 现代电信事业的迅猛发展,使得实现通信机房的无人值守或者少人值守,对通信电源进行计算机管理已成为电信事业发展的必然方向。

    With the rapid development of telecommunications industry , Manless on duty is becoming a necessary trend in communication power supply supervision .

  21. 该方案较好地解决了直流系统的综合管理问题,有助于少人或无人值守变电站的建设。

    The proposed method furthers the integrated automation management of DC system , and facilitates the construction of depopulated or unattended substations .

  22. 对于花开过程的仿真国内外都比较少人研究,更没有比较完善的软件产品。

    There are very few people who research the simulation of the blooming process , not even fairly complete software products about it .

  23. 小型水电站微机监控系统可以提高供电可靠性和供电质量、实现少人或无人值班。

    Computer monitoring system for small-scale hydropower station can raise reliability and quality of power supply , realize few people or on duty nobody .

  24. 我跳上单车,穿梭在家乡的大小街道上,一切在夕阳的余晖中被拉长了影子,路上车少人稀。

    I get to hop on my bike and pedal through the streets of my hometown as the shadows lengthen and the traffic thins .

  25. 你幸运了习得了少人匹敌的武艺.你幸运地出生于王国中最强大的家族.

    You 're blessed with abilities that few men possess . You are blessed to belong to the most powerful family in the kingdoms .

  26. 苏南农村土地占有关系复杂,地少人多,平均占有量少,工商业及副业发达,又兼有田底权、田面权之分,义田、义庄、义仓、义宅比较普遍。

    In the rural area of southern Jiangsu , the land ownership was very complicated , and per capita possession of land was relatively small .

  27. 该系统性能优越,己使电站赢得了很大的经济效益,并实现了真正的无人值班、少人值守。

    The system performance is superior to power , and brings great economic benefits and realize the real meaning of " the unattended mode " .

  28. 承上题,如果您支持焚化,您认为焚化炉有潜力融入香港,一个地少人多的社会吗?

    Hence , if yes , do you agree that Hong Kong , such a densely-populated city , has potentials to merge incinerators into the society ?

  29. 如果我们拿德语、西班牙语和法语来看,那更加少人能监察质素了。

    If we look at other languages like German , Spanish or French , there will be even less chance to have someone to oversee quality .

  30. 高密度城市有不同的表达方式,而适度密集的高层建筑是在我国地少人多、资源紧张的特殊国情下做出的具有中国特色的紧凑城市实践。

    High-density cities have different forms , and high-rise buildings in moderate density are compact urban practices with Chinese characteristics for the special conditions in our country .