
  1. 少林寺方丈眼中的普京总统

    President Putin in the Eyes of the Abbot of Shaolin Temple

  2. 少林寺方丈三藏经祖师指点,寻找这一千年前三位少林盖世英雄的转世。

    Sanzang , the great Shaolin master , communicates with the divine spirits of his ancestors of advice .

  3. 图为少林寺方丈释永信法师代表少林寺向美国少林拳法联盟赠送达摩像。

    Shaolin Temple Abbot Master Shi Yongxin representing the Shaolin Temple presents a Bodhidharma statue as a gift to the US Shaolin Fist Union .

  4. 在少林寺方丈公开表示不会派人参加奥运比赛后,有博客作者和运动员暗示少林寺是因为怕输而不愿参赛。

    After the abbot publicly distanced Shaolin from the Olympics in October , Chinese bloggers and athletes began to suggest the monks are just scared they wouldn 't win .

  5. 少林寺方丈释永信称,武术是动中悟禅。他的会客室正设在一座苦思冥想造型的佛像旁边。

    ' Kungfu is Zen practice in motion , 'says Shi Yongxin , the abbot of Shaolin , sitting in his office next to a sculpture of a meditating Buddha .

  6. 不久前,少林寺网站首页贴出一张仿冒的“悔过书”,少林寺方丈释永信则成为这场网络骗局的受害者。

    Shi Yongxin , the abbot of the Shaolin Temple , fell victim to an online hoax in which the front page of the temple 's website was replaced with a fake letter of remorse .