
  • 网络Ethnic minority education;education for national minorities
  1. 第三部分,我国少数民族教育立法的基本理论问题探讨。

    The third discussed basic theoretical problems of China 's EMEL .

  2. 第二部分对广西少数民族教育发展的概述。

    The second part is an overview of Guangxi minority education .

  3. 试论加强少数民族教育研究的重要意义

    On the Significance of Strengthening Educational Studies in Minority Nationality Regions

  4. 论清朝少数民族教育政策

    On Policy for Ethnic Minority Education in the Qing Dynasty

  5. 海南少数民族教育发展历程简论

    A Brief Talk on the Educational Development Process of Hainan Ethnic Minorities

  6. 新农村建设中西北少数民族教育的法律保障研究

    Legal Guarantee of Minority Education in Northwestern China in New Countryside Construction

  7. 我国少数民族教育50年

    50 Years ' Development of the Education for Ethnic Minorities in China

  8. 西北少数民族教育研究20年

    Twenty Years of Study on Education for Ethnic Minorities in the Northwest

  9. 少数民族教育平等问题及政府的教育政策选择

    Equality in Education for Ethnic Minorities and Educational Policy Alternative of the Government

  10. 西部大开发与贵州少数民族教育改革和发展

    Western Development Strategy and Educational Reform and Development of Ethnic Minorities in Guizhou

  11. 少数民族教育水平不断提高。

    Ethnic minorities ' educational level is continuously rising .

  12. 英国少数民族教育政策的特点分析

    An Analysis of the Traits of Educational Policies towards Ethnic Minorities in Britain

  13. 试论新疆近代少数民族教育的发展

    On the Development of Modern Minority Education in Xinjiang

  14. 少数民族教育的发展,受教育规律的影响,又受民族发展规律的影响。

    Abstract Minority education is affected by educational law as well as ethnic law .

  15. 对美国少数民族教育立法的初步研究

    Initial Study on Minority Education Legislation of America

  16. 台湾少数民族教育的困境与思考

    Reflections on Predicament of Ethnic Education in Taiwan

  17. 新疆少数民族教育之发展

    Development of Education for Ethnic Minorities in Xinjiang

  18. 现代少数民族教育理念的探索

    Explorations on Educational Notion of Modern Minority

  19. 少数民族教育发展的民族学思考

    Minority Education Development seen in Ethnic Terms

  20. 用马克思主义民族理论指导新疆的少数民族教育改革

    The theoretical basis guiding the national educational reform of Xinjiang is Marxist theory towards nationalities

  21. 城市散居少数民族教育发展中的问题与对策&武汉市少数民族教育发展个案调研

    The Problems and Policies in the National Educational Development of Living Scattered among the City

  22. 发展中的中国少数民族教育

    Ethnic Minority Education of China in Development

  23. 荷兰的少数民族教育

    Ethnic Minority Education in Holland

  24. 物质条件的改善与少数民族教育水平的提高并没有同步。

    The improvement of physical conditions and the enhancement of minorities education levels does not have the synchronization .

  25. 摘要本文介绍了黑龙江省少数民族教育的基本情况和发展对策。

    The article introduced the basic circumstances and Developing Countermeasure of the minority nationality education in Heilongjiang province .

  26. 但由于多种客观原因,边境少数民族教育仍面临着许多困难。

    However , because of various reasons , ethnic minority education in border areas still faces many difficulties .

  27. 双语教育是我国少数民族教育的重要组成部分,担负着重要的教育职能。

    Bilingual education is an important part of minority education in our country , undertaking very important educational function .

  28. 我国少数民族教育的多样化构建以加强适应性为基础,以提高有效性为目的。

    Diversified development of ethnic minority education in our country is based on strengthening adaptability and aims at raising effectiveness .

  29. 俄罗斯联邦少数民族教育立法的基本原则及其法源分析

    Basic Principles of Educational Legislation for Ethnic Minorities of the Russian Federation and an Analysis of its Sources of Legislation

  30. 在吸收其理念的基础上,批判借鉴国外多元文化教育发展的措施,是解决我国少数民族教育的重要途径。

    According to the concept , drawing on its measures is our important way of solving the minority national education .