
  • 网络Health Promotion;workplace health promotion;healthpromotion
  1. 韩国企划财政部下属的健康促进基金会(KoreaHealthPromotionFoundation)于2月20-27日进行的这项调查中,超过40%的受访者表示,学业压力和未来的不确定性最令他们担心。

    Over 40 % of the survey respondents in the Feb. 20-27 poll by the Korea Health Promotion Foundation , an affiliate of the finance ministry , said that school pressure and future uncertainty concerned them the most .

  2. 前言:PRECEDE-PROCEED模式在指导健康促进的临床、教育及科研工作中起着至关重要的作用。

    Objective : The PRECEDE-PROCEED model plays an important role in the guidance for health promotion in clinical , education and scientific research .

  3. 健康促进对某炼油石化企业职工健康相关的KAP影响评价

    Effectiveness Evaluation of Health Promotion on Health KAP among Workers in Oil Refinery Enterprise

  4. 开展健康促进学校项目对小学生营养KAP的影响效果评价

    Effect Evaluation of the Health Promoting School Program Based on Nutrition to Primary School Students

  5. 目的评估南京、深圳和温州部分健康促进中学创建1a后学生健康相关知识、态度、行为,以便指导当地健康促进学校的创建工作。

    Objective To evaluate students ' knowledge , attitudes and practice related to health one-year after health-promoting school ( HPS ) construction in Wenzhou , Shenzhen and Nanjing , and to direct their health promoting construction work .

  6. 将目前我国健康促进工作中采用的PRECEDE-PROCEED模式与社会营销模式进行比较,提出社会营销模式在我国的应用前景。

    Compared with the PRECEDE-PROCEED framework , social marketing framework represents a promising future in health promotion in China .

  7. “真正的悲剧在于体重过重和肥胖及其相关的慢性病在很大程度上是可以预防的,”世卫组织慢性病和健康促进司司长RobertBeaglehole博士说。

    " The real tragedy is that overweight and obesity , and their related chronic diseases , are largely preventable ," said Dr Robert Beaglehole , WHO Director of Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion .

  8. 其后,她们开始在监督下执行锻炼计划,而且,据该研究的资深作者、亚利桑那州立大学的营养和健康促进学教授格伦·盖瑟(GlennGaesser)称,该计划设计的运动强度很大,但还在大多数人可以接受的范围内。

    Then each woman began a supervised exercise program designed to be vigorous but manageable by most people , said Glenn Gaesser , a professor of nutrition and health promotion at Arizona State and senior author of the study .

  9. Danzon博士还担任过欧洲区域办事处国家卫生发展司司长和健康促进与疾病预防司司长。

    Dr Danzon has also served as Director of the EURO Department for Country Health Development and Director of the Department of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention .

  10. 健康促进项目评价内容和经济学评价方法研究

    Study on evaluation contents and economic evaluation methods of health promotion

  11. 运用健康促进学校模式开展学生营养干预

    The Application of Health Promotion School Framework in School Nutrition Intervention

  12. 糖尿病医学营养治疗个体化应用的健康促进模式

    Healthy accelerating pattern for individualized application of diabetes medical nutrient treatment

  13. 儿童青少年心理健康促进研究进展

    Progress in study on mental health promotion in children and adolescents

  14. 我国健康促进经济评价的回顾与分析

    Review and analysis on economic evaluation in health promotion of China

  15. 对我国学生体质健康促进模式的思考

    The Thought on Enhancing Model of Student 's Quality and Healthy

  16. 经皮冠状动脉介入治疗患者健康促进生活方式影响因素研究

    Related factors of Health-promoting Lifestyles among Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

  17. 世卫组织综合预防口腔疾病与健康促进活动

    Who activites for integrated prevention of oral disease and health promotion

  18. 简阳市农村居民结核病健康促进模式效果评价

    Evaluation of tuberculosis health promotion model among rural residents in Jianyang

  19. 苏州市单位健康促进工作进展研究

    Study on the Progress of Unit Health Promotion in Suzhou

  20. 结论健康促进对结核病控制工作的影响是极为显著的,在结核病控制的进程中必须注重科学全面的健康促进。

    Conclusions The effect of health promotion on tuberculosis control was remarkable .

  21. 日本的健康促进运动对我们的启示

    The enlightenment of the Japanese health promotion movement on China

  22. 健康促进学校干预模式对学校和家庭控烟环境的影响

    Environmental Impact of School-based Smoking Prevention on School and Family

  23. 社区控制高血压五年健康促进干预效果评价

    Impact of Health Promotion for Five Years on Hypertension Control in Community

  24. 南京市中学生吸烟状况10年的回顾与健康促进对策初探

    Review and Strategies of Smoking in Nanjing Middle School Students

  25. 更年期知识女性健康促进干预的研究

    Analysis on health care intervention of well-educated women in menopause

  26. 福州市结核病健康促进策略社会评估调查

    Social Evaluation Research on Tuberculosis Health Promoting Strategies in Fuzhou

  27. 健康促进与小康社会体育的发展

    Health Promotion and the Development of Sports in well-off Society

  28. 高校教师代谢综合征相关疾病与社区健康促进

    Diseases related to metabolic syndrome and community health promotion in college teachers

  29. 关注职工心理健康促进社会和谐发展

    To Care for Workers ' Psychological Health to Accelerate Social Harmonious Development

  30. 健康促进理论在体力活动促进中的应用

    Theoretical Models of Health Promotion in Promotion of Physical Activity