
  • 网络healthy culture;healthy aquaculture;healthful aquaculture
  1. 关于健康养殖(HealthyCulture)有关问题的探讨

    A Study on Problems of Healthy Culture

  2. 斑节对虾工厂化健康养殖试验

    Experiments on Industrialized and Healthy Culture for Penaeus monodon

  3. 发展循环经济(circulareconomy)促进水产健康养殖

    Development of Circular Economy and Healthy Aquaculture

  4. HDPE浮筏式消波堤在水产健康养殖发展上的应用

    The Application of the HDPE Floating Breakwater for Healthy Aquiculture

  5. 第二,本研究采用多元统计和logistic测算方法,分析养殖户参与水禽健康养殖模式的影响因素,提出合理的对策建议,在研究方法上有一定的创新。

    Second , this study take multiple statistical regression and logistic regression to measure the factors which may influence farmers ' participation desire in healthy regression , and puts forward some reasonable countermeasures , applying certain innovation in research methods .

  6. 应用多元统计模型和logistic模型分析养殖户的养殖绩效和养殖户参与健康养殖模式的意愿,并得出影响农户参与健康养殖模式的因素。

    By applying the multivariate statistical regression model and logistic regression model to analyze the cultivation performance and farmers ' participation desire in healthy cultivation model , we find out the influence factors of the farmers who participate in cultivation mode .

  7. 对虾白斑综合征病毒(WSSV)可引起养殖对虾的急性、致死性传染病,造成世界范围内对虾养殖业的巨大经济损失。wssv已成为威胁我国乃至世界对虾健康养殖的重要病原。

    White spot syndrome virus ( WSSV ) can cause shrimp acute , serious disease , resulting in huge economic losses of worldwide shrimp aquaculture , which has become the important pathogen to threaten our country and even world shrimp farming .

  8. 蛋鸡规模化健康养殖生产体系及其设备选型分析

    The large scale healthiness layer raising system & the equipment selection

  9. 水产健康养殖与食品安全发展战略研究

    Study on development strategy of fisheries healthy cultivation and food safety

  10. 微生态制剂在彭泽鲫池塘健康养殖中的应用效果研究

    Application Effects of Micro-ecological Agent to Pond of Pengze Crucian

  11. 有益微生物在大海马健康养殖中的应用研究

    Application of profitable microbe in healthy cultivation of Hippocampus kuda

  12. 现代生物技术在水产动物健康养殖中的应用

    Application of modern biotechnology on aquatic animal health cultivation

  13. 中国水产健康养殖的关键技术研究

    Researches on key technology of healthy aquaculture in China

  14. 河蟹生态防病与健康养殖技术

    Ecological Culture Technology and Prevension Disease of River Crab

  15. 微环流技术在土池鳗鱼健康养殖中的应用研究

    The Application of Micro-circumfluence Technique on Ell 's Healthy Culture in Soil Pond

  16. 蛋鸡健康养殖网络化管理信息系统

    Layer healthy breeding management information system based on Internet

  17. 因此,本系统是一个绿色环保型的健康养殖系统。

    Therefore , it is an environment-friendly and also a real healthy farming system .

  18. 论海水鱼网箱的健康养殖与节能减排

    On Healthy Culture Marine Fish in Net Cage and Energy Saving and Emission Reduction

  19. 中国对虾高健康养殖品种选育的初步研究

    A Primary Study on Selection and Breeding for High Healthy Breed of Penaeus chinensis

  20. 种猪场健康养殖网络管理系统的研制

    Development of pig health cultivation network management system

  21. 健康养殖在渔业生产上的应用

    Use of Healthy Aquaculture in Fishery Production

  22. 海洋贝类病害和健康养殖

    Disease and Healthy Farming of Marine Shellfish

  23. 细菌外膜蛋白和脂多糖在蟹类健康养殖中的应用

    The Application of Out Membrance Protein and Lipopolysaccharide from Bacteria to the Healthy Culture of Crab

  24. 健康养殖与饲料营养

    Healthy Culture and Feed Nutrition

  25. 随着健康养殖发展的需求,微生态制剂在水产动物中的应用逐渐成为当今的研究热点。

    The research of microbial preparation for aquaculture is increasing rapidly with the demand for environment-friendly aquaculture .

  26. 加快研究和推广健康养殖技术,提高经济和生态效益。

    Facilitate the research and popularization of healthy aquaculture practice , and improve economic and ecological benefits .

  27. 规模养殖户健康养殖行为研究&以上海市为例

    An Analysis on the Scale Breeding Farmers ' Healthy Breeding Behavior ; A Case Study in Shanghai City

  28. 健康养殖模式的核心是种质种苗健康、养殖环境健康和消费者健康。

    The healthy system of aquaculture includes healthy seed and environment as well as the health of consumer .

  29. 酵母细胞壁是一种环保型绿色饲料添加剂,在水产健康养殖中应用十分广泛。

    Yeast cell wall , a kind of environmental protection feed additive , is widely applied in health aquaculture .

  30. 本课题研究的健康养殖技术,对促进建阳市养猪业的可持续发展,具有重要的指导意义。

    The healthy cultivation technology in this research has instructive significance on the sustainable development of Jianyang pig-keeping industry .