
  • 网络Health insurance
  1. 新医改视角下我国商业健康险的发展契机

    The development opportunity for commercial health insurance under the perspective of new healthcare system reform

  2. 其产品包括保障型的寿险、健康险、意外险,以及小额财产保险。

    Its products include the protection of life insurance , health insurance , accident insurance , property insurance , as well as microfinance .

  3. 然后,具体定义了该函数模型的三个投入变量,即;劳动价格、资本价格、物料价格以及两个产出变量,即:人寿保险保费收入、意外险和健康险保费收入的含义。

    Defines three inputs , that is , labor price , capital price , and materials price .

  4. 同时,借鉴健康险方面的丰富经验以及先进的产品开发技术,推出全新的健康险系列产品。

    PALIC launched brand-new health products based on its substantial experience in health insurance and advanced product development technology .

  5. 这项工作对于美国全国几十个州的病人都有好处。一些大型健康险保险公司为这些病人提供健康险服务。

    That could be good for patients in dozens of states across the country that are served by some of the major health insurance companies .

  6. 知情人士称,该合资公司背后的三家公司计划推出一系列产品,包括旅行险、健康险和互联网金融险。

    The trio behind the joint venture intend to offer a range of products including travel , health and internet finance insurance , according to people familiar with the situation .

  7. 该部分是论文的重点章节,从健康险整合的目标、方式和合作机制的建立三方面设计了整合的流程。

    This is the key chapter of the thesis . The process of health insurance integration is described from three parts & objectives , modalities and the establishment of cooperation mechanisms .

  8. 许多业内人士据此认为,未来几年,我国商业健康险市场将迎来一个高速发展时期。

    In view of the circs a lot of insiders think that the market of commercial health insurance of our country will welcome one high-speed developing period in the following several years .

  9. 在其后对保险代位求偿权法律问题作了进一步的剖析,对代位求偿权是否适用于人身险中的健康险和意外险阐述了自己的看法,并提出了建议。

    Thereafter on the insurance subrogation right law has made the further analysis , on the right of subrogation is suitable for life insurance health insurance and accident insurance elaborated his own views , and puts forward some suggestions .

  10. 因此有必要对专业健康险公司陷入困境的原因加以分析并探索解决方法。

    The form of professional health insurance company is not a problem in itself , so it is necessary to find out the reasons for professional health insurance Co. Ltd. being in trouble and to explore the method to solve .

  11. 本篇论文分析了平安健康险有限公司运营部工作汇报的口译案例。这是平安各机构经理、代表人与中籍、外籍高管进行为期两天的座谈会的一系列会议之一。

    This paper is about the study of the interpretation case in Ping An Health insurance company , which is about the work report of PAH operational department in the meeting of a two-day seminar attended by branches ' managers , senior executives and expats .

  12. 而我国在入世议定书中承认的保险包括寿险、健康险和养老金/年金险,非寿险,再保险以及保险附属服务,并且就市场准入限制与国民待遇限制做出一定承诺。

    In the Accession Protocol to WTO , the insurances China promises are life insurance , health insurance , pensions / annuity , non-life insurance , reinsurance and insurance auxiliary service , and makes certain pledge on the market access limit and the national treatment limit .

  13. 友邦保险为客户与企业提供人寿保险、退休计划、健康意外险和理财等产品及服务。

    It provides individuals and businesses with products and services for life insurance , retirement planning , accident and health insurance as well as wealth management solutions .

  14. 他的双颊泛着健康的红晕,险上虽有皱纹,却无多少忧患的痕迹。

    He had a healthy colour in his cheeks , and his face , though lined , bore few traces of anxiety .

  15. 然而,自2005年人保健康、平安健康等专业健康险公司成立以来,健康险公司不进反退仅剩4家,市场份额极小。

    However , since the establishment of PICC Health Insurance Co. Ltd. in 2005 , health insurance companies do not enter but retreat only 4 , holding very small market share .

  16. 随着长期健康保险业务规模的不断扩增,以及健康保险专业化的不断深入,长期健康险准备金的规模也与日俱增,它在整个准备金体系中的地位显得越来越重要。

    With the fast improvement and specialization in Chinese health insurance , the scale of the policy reserve increases steadily , the position of it becomes more and more important as well .

  17. 健康保险内控是一个保险公司为保证其经营行为不偏离目标,对健康险业务经营管理及其活动进行调节,沟通和约束的一系列控制方法。

    The internal control of the health insurance is a series of control methods to modulates , communicates and restricts the health insurance business management and the activities of the insurance company to assure its management does not departure from its goals .