
yǐn háng
  • pilot;pilotage
引航[yǐn háng]
  1. 在大风浪中为船舶引航是很困难的。

    It 's hard to pilot a vessel in rough weather .

  2. 探讨了中国船舶引航业务流程,提出基于Web技术和多功能角色划分实现引航工作管理系统的框架。

    The flow of pilot operation in China was discussed first . The framework of pilot management system based on Web technologies and role functions partition were given .

  3. 我在船上生活了25年,如今是一名港口领航员,负责将大型豪华客轮引航入港,直到它们安全地靠港。

    I have spent twenty five years on boats . Now I am a docking pilot . My job is to bring in the large luxury liners and stay with them until they are safely moored1 in their berths3 .

  4. 实时差分GPS在航道疏浚和港口引航中的应用

    Application of Real-time Difference GPS System in Channel Dredging and Port Pilotage

  5. 基于GIS电子江(海)图与信息系统的内河模拟引航研究

    Study on Simulate of Inland-Waterway Piloting Based on GIS Electronic Chart and Information System

  6. GPS在港口引航中的应用

    Application of GPS to port navigation

  7. 简介实时差分GPS系统在港口引航和航道疏浚中的应用概况。

    Application of real-time difference GPS system in port pilotage and channel dredging are briefly introduced .

  8. 基于Oracle的引航排班及可视化

    Oracle-based Pilot Scheduling and Visualization

  9. FSA在船舶引航风险评估中的应用

    Application of formal safety assessment to the risk assessment of the ship-pilotage

  10. 规范化安全评估(FSA)在上海港船舶引航安全工作中的应用

    Ensure Navigation Safety with DGPS Study of FSA Application to Safety Pilotage in Shanghai Harbour

  11. 利用DGPS助航系统保障引航安全

    Ensure Navigation Safety with DGPS

  12. 他的工作是引航船只沿两边,沙岸的河流向上进入普雷斯顿(preston)港。

    It was his job to guide ships up the river , between banks of sand , into the port of preston .

  13. 在引航信息管理系统中AIS是重要的信息源,因此,在开发引航管理系统中,重要的一步就是完成AIS信息与电子海图系统叠加。

    AIS is an important source of information in the pilotage information management system . Therefore , the superposition of AIS and ECDIS is very important for developing pilotage management system .

  14. 本文在此基础上提出新的构想,将AIS信息叠加显示在遥感影像上,并将显示的信息用于港口引航管理。

    This thesis puts forward a new idea , that is , AIS information can be superimposed on the remote sensing images , and the information can be used in port pilotage management .

  15. PDF格式是类似于纸质的形式设计,页面之间不能描述业务报告的基本信息,不能通过主要的搜索引擎索引,不具有超文本引航的能力。

    PDF format is similar to the paper in the form of design , business reports between pages cannot describe the basic information , not indexed by major search engines , the pilot does not have the ability of hypertext .

  16. 根据厦门港及其船舶引航的特点,综合应用差分GPS定位技术、AIS技术、电子海图等先进技术,完成了具有特色的厦门港船舶引航系统的设计,并在厦门港投入使用。

    According to the characteristics of Xiamen Port and its pilotage , a set of special pilotage system was designed , which was based on Difference GPS , AIS , electronic chart , and other technologies . Now , it has been brought into operation in Xiamen Port .

  17. 介绍了ECDIS的功能和发展趋势及其在AIS,VTS,船舶避碰、港口引航等方面的应用,以期推动我国ECDIS的推广及培训。

    The paper introduces the functions , the development and the application of ECDIS on the aspects of AIS , VTS , collision prevention , harbor piloting etc. , in order to promote the utilizing of the system in our country .

  18. 简要介绍“FSA在上海港船舶引航安全工作中的应用”的研究情况,并根据研究的结果就改进和完善上海港船舶安全引航工作提出了一些相应的风险控制方案和决策性建议。

    Following a brief introduction of some principles about FSA , this paper provides some information and results about the research of the application of FSA to the safety pilotage in Shanghai harbor and puts forward some recommendations for the improvement of the safety pilotage in Shanghai harbor .

  19. 当人工深水航道工程超过引航员视觉极限距离(10km)时,由于被引航船舶的超大型及能见度不良的天气多次出现,按传统方法引航已无法保障船舶在狭窄水道中安全通航。

    When artificial deep water channel engineering exceeds the limited distance of pilot 's vision ( 10 km ), the piloting with traditional method can not ensure navigational safety in narrow waterway for very large ships or in the case of bad weather of low visibility .

  20. 上海港引航站员工培训与开发方案的设计

    The Design of Training and Development Procedure for Shanghai Pilot Station

  21. 第四部分对引航员培养流程和引航调度流程进行了再设计。

    The last part redesigns the pilot training and dispatching process .

  22. 基于未确知测度的引航水域风险预评估

    Preliminary Risk Assessment on Pilotage Water Area Based on Unascertained Measure

  23. 长江引航安全与引航员素质提高

    Safely Piloting in the Yangtze River and Improving Pilot s Quality

  24. 你船预抵安特卫普引航站的当地时间是几点?

    What is your ETA at Antwerp Pilot Station in local time ?

  25. 作用在引航导堤堤头冰力的模型试验研究

    Model Test for Ice Force on the Bank-Head of the Lead-Navigating Bank

  26. 长江引航面临的问题及应对措施

    The Problems Yangtze River Pilotage Central Faced and the Measurements

  27. 洋山深水港大型集装箱船舶的引航操纵

    Pilotage Operation of Large Container Ships in Yangshan Deep-Water Port

  28. 提高船长综合素质预防引航事故发生

    To prevent accidents involving pilotage by raising the overall qualification of captains

  29. 知识是愿望的眼睛,是生活的引航者。

    Knowledge is the eye of desire and can become the pilot .

  30. 向左舷转向,引航船不能离开大船。

    Alter course to starboard & pilot boat unable to clear vessel .