
yǐn dù tiáo yuē
  • extradition treaty;treaty of extradition
  1. 新西兰也暂停了与香港的引渡条约。

    New Zealand also suspended its extradition treaty with Hong Kong .

  2. 这个微小的中东岛国和美国没有签署引渡条约。

    The tiny Middle-Eastern island nation has no extradition treaty with the US .

  3. 不过,英美都没有与中国签订引渡条约。

    But neither the UK nor the US has an extradition treaty with China .

  4. 我国双边引渡条约应更多地吸取发达国家的经验,取长补短,不断完善与其他国家引渡合作关系。

    Our mutual extradition treaty should absorb more effective experiences and complete mutual extradition with other countries .

  5. 批评现行引渡条约的人士称,美国的证据标准比英国低。

    Critics of the treaty say the US level of proof is lower than that required in the UK .

  6. 最后,本文介绍了中非间引渡条约的基本问题、主要程序以及引渡的执行。

    At last , the paper introduces the basic issues , some procedures and the enforcement of China-Africa extradition treaties .

  7. 引渡条约对联系机关有特别规定的,依照条约规定。

    Where in an extradition treaty there are special provisions to govern the communication authority , the provisions there shall prevail .

  8. 英国以担心香港维护国家安全法为由,“立即并无限期”暂停了引渡条约。

    The UK has suspended the treaty " immediately and indefinitely , " citing concerns about the national security law in the Chinese city .

  9. 中国与非洲六国双边引渡条约比较研究《联合国反腐败公约》中的引渡制度探析

    The Comparable Research about the Six Extradition Treaties between China and the Six Countries of Africa Investigation on Extradition of United Nations Convention against Corruption

  10. 然而,日本对传递他们是不太可能在到中国因为没有引渡条约在二个国家之间存在之上,来源说。

    However , Japan is unlikely to hand them over to China since no extradition treaty exists between the two countries , the sources said .

  11. 中国暂停香港特区与加拿大、澳大利亚和英国的引渡条约,以回应这些国家的类似决定。

    China has suspended Hong Kong 's extradition treaties with Canada , Australia , and the UK in response to similar decisions by those countries .

  12. 中国政府发言人表示,美加两国滥用其双边引渡条约,对中国公民任意采取强制措施。

    A Chinese government spokesperson says the United States and Canada have abused their bilateral extradition treaty and arbitrarily taken compulsory measures against a Chinese citizen .

  13. 该发言人表示,美加两国滥用其双边引渡条约,对中国公民任意采取强制措施。

    The Spokesperson says the United States and Canada have abused their bilateral extradition treaty and arbitrarily took compulsory measures against a Chinese citizen without cause .

  14. 2006年以来中国和西班牙、法国、澳大利亚和葡萄牙等国签署的双边引渡条约标志着中国正式接受了该原则。

    Since 2006 , the signatures of several extradition treaties between China and Spain , France , Australia and Portugal show China has officially accept this principle .

  15. 国内很多贪污犯罪嫌疑人利用我国与一些发达国家之间没有签订引渡条约,乘机逃往国外而逃避法律的惩罚。

    Many offenders of corruption take advantage of no extradition treaty between China and some developed countries and run away with the illicit money for evasion of legal sanction .

  16. 黄锋说既然中国和美国还没有签订引渡条约,那么要将中国的涉案人员从美国引渡回来接受审判是非常困难的。

    Since China does not have an extradition treaty with the US it is very difficult to bring back Chinese suspects to stand trial in the country , Huang said .

  17. 日本拒绝遵照秘鲁的要求将他交还接受审判,说是它的国民就应当遵照日本的法律,并指出在秘鲁和日本两国之间并没有建立引渡条约。

    Japan refused to honor Peru 's request to return him for trial , saying its nationals should be subject to Japanese law and pointing out the lack of an extradition treaty between the two countries .

  18. 如果他们通过在美国影响力较弱的银行进行交易或定居在一个与美国没有签订引渡条约的国家那么这件事可能永远都不会曝光。

    Had they traded through banks with a lesser presence in the US or domiciled in a country that did not have an extradition treaty with America the affair might never have seen the light of day .

  19. 这项新的权力弥补了对美国执法部门构成挑战的空白,比如网络威胁的发源地国家与美国没有引渡条约,缺乏强有力的网络安全法律,或者对此类攻击视而不见。

    The new authority closes gaps that have posed a challenge to US law enforcement , such as cyber threats from countries that do not have extradition treaties with the US , lack strong cyber security laws or turn a blind eye to such attacks .

  20. 我国《引渡法》和中外双边引渡条约也确定了这一引渡原则。

    Extradition Law in China and Sino-Foreign Extradition Treaty have both prescribed this principle .

  21. 引渡的法律依据应为含引渡条款的国际条约、国际公约以及相关国内立法。

    The law basis of extradition should be international treaty and pact involving extradition provisions and interrelated inner legislation .